Chapter 146

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Chapter 146

After feeding and cleanup with Asakura I'm anxious to practice and use the alter reality manipulation some more. In fact I'd wanted to all day but for some reason it's very timed to the Dreamweaver skill, which I think is something similar to a Dream Shaman? It's also very slippery and difficult. I really don't have full control over both getting it to activate, the sense of mana activation, and it feels like trying to pick up a tool that's too heavy for me to use.

Regardless I find that Fox uses her alter reality differently than I do. And she seems to be able to manage it just fine, like it's light as a feather in terms of usage. It seems that she uses hers for battle to dodge, deceive, disorient, and confuse enemies while with me it seems like I can craft stuff with it. She's opened up my eyes that a skill properly used like this can do all sorts of things.

At one point she even showed me an altered reality where we were standing on the ceiling and everything was upside but that was some kind of illusion to. It was kind of freaky though, because she didn't just flip the sky and the floor, she did it in a way that made us feel like we were going to fall off the ceiling.

Then she let us rest and calm down.

I try again with experimenting with trying to alter reality, but I just can't do it on a level like she can.

Again we confirm there's nothing wrong with the tomato plant I made the night before this one, except for it being too freaking small. But there's nothing special about it either. It functions with complete resemblance to a living plant. It even has the smell and feel of how garden vegetable leaves feel; and tomato plants have a particular smell.

"So that means there's nothing wrong with it? It's not going to evaporate, dissipate, whatever?" I asked Fox.

"Seems like it's doing pretty well. It will stay," Fox admitted.

Does this mean eventually I could turn sand into gold if I work up the skill hard enough? Or would it only look and act like gold? And the bigger the gain wouldn't there have to be more elbow grease?

"Don't be risky yet with trying anything stupid. You need to control how much your mana plunges every time. It could make you sick. And this skill is eating gobs of it every use," Fox warned me.

With her coaching and Asakura watching I then changed an inch square of dirt into a hardened shiny clay piece the same size. The mana plummets a good 8%. That means if I use it nonstop I'd burn out of energy quickly.

"Not bad," Asakura looked at it, picking it up.

"But it's just clay," I protested.

"Clay can be used for a lot of stuff," Asakura told me.

"I suppose that's true," I scratched my head.

"And who says we're stopping with just clay anyway?" she said back.

"Now try the energy transfer ability," Fox said.

"?" Asakura is confused.

"I'm confused. Isn't that spell dangerous?" I asked.

"Are you kidding? Mages will love you! A way to transfer mana to one another is like a drug to them. You will be unstoppable just from that alone in a team or mage duo. You need to practice that ability a lot to try to get its efficiency up," Fox said.

"They will?" Asakura looks threatened. She frowned.

"I'd marry you right now just for that skill. You can use it to pull energy out of people. Like Asakura here has mana because of partly all life has mana, and then she's got bonus mana from spilling over because of your demon harem thing and her ghoul race even has mana too," Fox couldn't help but chuckle saying the last part.

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