Chapter 83

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Author Notes; Just a heads up! Those talking with me through other sites, email, etc are already notified that I have an upcoming new book release in about a week. I wanted to also give the heads up here so people that read here can know. I'm anticipating this for a week from now (fingers crossed). And this will go up on Amazon ebooks for people to look for and watch for it there. My titles there are also under the same name as here.

Thank you!

Chapter 83

Dream State in the spatial rift living space created by the demon box...again...

Curiously Sunghee and Fox have formed a sort of round table for us to talk and gather at in the orc training room. They seem to be acting like they are in counselor mode right now. It's not really a table though, but more of a circle of big rocks we can sit on as we face each other like Boy Scouts might have done while figuring out a problem. They seem calmed down, but Fox is still a bit sleepy eyed and is rubbing her eyes.

"So please I could use your advice on this," I stated after asking the current dilemma; namely what kind of creature is Asakura turning into and many etc question's after that which were amendments of the most current situation changes.

I didn't feel bad about asking them for advice. I was developing my own logic capabilities in doing so by absorbing the reasoning power of others and getting opinions on if there had been a different way of doing things with more efficiency. I also knew that I was smart enough to come up with ideas on my own but this was a good chance to catch flaws and also show them I am reliable too. In many cases the others would have done things the exact same way as we went over the details. It was almost becoming like an intellectual game with each other to figure out if we can out-discover each other.

"Yet again, we get to talk about the problems at hand," Sunghee chirps. She's actually really getting into it while pretending to be burdened by it. She wants to make a difference. She looks kind of happy and you'd never guess she was in a demon prison crystal. "I guess I'm the only one that can help you huh?" she adds.

"So how will we deal with it? What do you think?" I wonder.

"So what exactly is your question? You are a smart guy Shun, I think sometimes you want to talk about stuff even though you have an idea," Fox stated looking at me with sharp eyes.

She hit the nail on the head. It's fun to talk to the girls and capitalize on this harem power thing. It helps to bring them in on the idea of cooperating and solving our problems together too. It teaches them to trust me more when they see we work on it together. When they help and cooperate they are staking ownership in our shared future after all. Sunghee wouldn't think of this concept, but Asakura and Fox might realize it soon, if they haven't already.

"So this is more like he's visiting us as the shrinks?" Sunghee asked playfully, again smirking.

"Probably," Fox says with a smirk before I can deny it. She gives me a grin that suggests she's softening up to the 'humans' more than she'll admit. This is pretty good considering at the beginning she'd once been a bit standoff-ish towards me.

"Well it's not exactly like that. But I prefer 'training instructor' over 'shrinks'," I said, denying their attempt at an inside team joke at my expense. They are both still not realizing their eyes are almost sparkling as they look at me. Yep, pheromones are pretty awesome. They don't even realize how much they are smiling at me.

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