Chapter 96

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 Dear Readers, thank you so much for your support. Thanks also for the interest in my new release Elf Collector book 3, which is doing nicely. 

Just wanted to let you know I'm already working on more projects for you. 

I'm grateful for your interest in my stories. 

Chapter 96

While separated from the dwarves on patrol surrounded by darkness...

Asakura and I had been up for about two hours and already I could feel Rina plastered against me from behind still sleeping. It still felt like the air was cold from the night air receding. We'd huddled together to sleep for warmth and the narrowness of the rock cavity we used had ended up forcing us to do a group hug while sleeping in part to avoid the hardness of the ground.

But it also made me think that the level of the pheromones must be different when I'm awake and asleep. Otherwise Rina would have been all over me, at least if what Asakura had told me was true.

Or maybe it was that the pheromones were amplified by feelings of love? So there hadn't been any night accidents and that was good.

This was really getting bothersome...because it felt really good and I was having a hard time fighting it. Rina wouldn't wear her shirt either since it was completely white and had gone to bed topless the same as Asakura under the pretense that we were right that white would be seen quite easily when it was the bleach white that is so bright like this. I was in heaven because I didn't have my shirt on too, but it wasn't such a big deal for me. This was getting hard to resist though. If Asakura weren't here...I don't know what would have happened.

Rina was starting to look delicious since the demon genes were affecting my brain.

I won't be able to resist forever...

No, must think happy thoughts and count or do math in my head. I shook off the temptation of feeding off Rina; then concentrated back on Asakura.

Asakura saved me from giving in!

I'd woken up to Asakura feeding on me again with a blow job or...three, before Rina got up while I was trying to keep her from making any noise or shifting movement. I guess she couldn't help it anymore. She kept going for a couple of those actually while Rina was nestled against my back until she got up an hour later. It's amazing that Asakura can feed quietly actually. She learned the hard way I suppose, that if she made noise she would get no meal. But I wish I'd realized sooner that her boobs were big enough that even while giving me a blow job I could still suck on them to get nourishment since I was on my side.

Wow, I just noticed Asakura's hair turning white has progressed even more during the night. At this rate within a week it will be all white. Right now it's still more dominantly black, and it looks interesting and exotic in that there are no gray hairs, but just white and a mix of black splashes hitting each other.

Since her skin isn't white, but is sort of an Asian tan, it mixes well with her silky changed to white hair.

Still, this kind of breakfast is better than the traditional bacon and eggs, I admitted to myself. I did feel somewhat refreshed and invigorated after that, but its weird how I still felt sleepy up until after our morning feedings were done. It's weird that I don't feel like I want bacon and eggs after Asakura has fed with me. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how that works, since it's such a different concept than before.

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