Chapter 106

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 Chapter 106

Duel with a goblin shaman, and also an imp summoner

The fight continues...

We kept focusing harder and I asked stopped responding.

By now Asakura has calmed down a bit further since she has caused our lack of proper concentration to make me have to recast the runic shielding spell on both of us more often than should have occurred.

The imp summoner is basically channeling all kinds of power out. He's been summoning non-stop. His moves are practiced and agile like he's done this kind of chain casting a million times, despite the extremely long chain cast made up of incremental casts all put together. He's been through mage duels before I realized. He's also confident enough that he isn't trying to hide in the shadows. That means he's obviously expecting to be unbeatable.

If he thought we were more evenly matched wouldn't he go for sneaky hiding ambushes?

He's still not able to pass pulling through six imps at a time consistently every time he does a batch of summons, thank goodness...but he's pretty close to it.

Perhaps that's like the limit of how much he can do within such a short time?

But we have to be sure before we bank on that.

Does he lack offensive magic, I wonder?

We have to find his weak spots!

I'm sure most people would say summoning imps non-stop is as offensive as it gets but there doesn't seem to be any other energy weapons or nuke magic for which I'm thankful.

To focus entirely on summoning he'd be invincible if he could do both that and throw out lightning bolts like the imp mage that was killed. It gives me the shivers thinking about it.

Like before Asakura has managed to use the huge steel body shield, which is now covered in long scratches from the imp's claws despite being made of a metal surface. Their claws are so sharp to be able to actually mark up the metal. She's able to stop them and keep them slowed to the point where we can take them on. But she has to keep really good concentration on making sure she meets their frantic dives and mid air swipes, which they are very good at.

Will the dwarves let us keep the body shield?

I like this tool.

Asakura, my guard, often will switch into using one of them as a bat after grabbing one of them by the neck. She quickly has to break their necks because of their sharp nails being so long but it works in quickly thinning them down without losing offensive power.

We're lucky that their bodies dissolve or our weapons and clothes would be drenched and hard to use. I realized that there's a science to not slipping on gore and guts from things that are splattering all over the place. We still do have to work on not slipping on some gore still though, because it takes some time for the bodies to dissolve.

Our kills on the small war imps keep racking up, but they keep coming.

And the little buggers are in a state of frenzied madness and seemingly unaware of their own mortality, which adds to them being a bit scary to fight despite their size.

But out of the corner of my eye I've caught the goblin shaman doing something strange. There was a strange sparkle from before. I'm not entirely sure what I caught a glimpse off. There's something there.

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