Chapter 100

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 Chapter 100

As we go around looking at the dwarven keep, we were walking for a good ten minutes despite this being a fairly small village sized keep. There was a lot to study and look over and the dwarves were anxious to make a good impression, often commenting on how beautiful the cut of the stone is and how great their geometry skills had to be in order to do so. There were at least a good twelve large stone houses within the keep that surrounded the plaza, and a fancy well and fountain area in the middle. All of the houses seemed to branch out in a circular formation in pie sections off the middle plaza area.

It also seems that a dwarven house may house more than just a nuclear family but a multi-generation also. And sometimes other family members stay there.

This makes it hard to tell exactly how many dwarves are really here. And these are just the main inner circle houses, with maybe others that I don't know about also.

We keep walking.

They have interesting kerosene style oil lamps lighting up the plaza to keep back the dark and at different intervals on the streets too so it's not too hard for us to study this out, even though I'm saving mana and have my light spell on a low mana burn setting.

Or at least it seems like their lamps have something very similar to kerosene, since I'm not a petroleum product expert. There are four lamps hanging from each lighting setup in the area at even intervals and they have pretty good light actually with good burn efficiency and fuel consumption according to the dwarves.

It's also clear the dwarves have efficient and organized city planning.

"How come they don't use magic to do that?" Rina asked me referring to the lighting.

"That's a good question actually," Asakura said.

She turned to Oleg, "Dwarves have plenty of mages don't they?"

"What do you think Shun?" Asakura asked before Oleg could respond. He looks a bit dour and tired. Maybe he was the wrong one to ask and that's why Asakura had turned to me.

"I'm not a dwarf, how would I know?" I asked.

We all instinctively look over at Oleg, but he remains quiet choosing not to respond. Surely it's not a big secret is it?

"Save magic maybe?" Asakura suggested.

"Is that true Shun?" Rina asked.

"It's as good a guess as any," I shrugged. "Magic uses energy just like engines and electrical systems. It's also possible they wanted to save that energy for tactical and warfare usage to defend themselves. Even if they had magic commonly in every village it might depend on if it's being easier for them to have an abundance of energy resources from fossil fuels or magic? That's also assuming their ability to store magic is even efficient."

Oleg snorted, while still ignoring us.


Was he glaring at me for guessing right?

We finally get brought over to take a look at our housing with a bunch of other dwarven troops and scouts with him guiding us. He'd taken us back to a secluded area inside the walls that is on the outer edges of the community. It doesn't have a mailbox or walkway like the other houses. Plus somehow it doesn't look right, but I can't put my finger on it.

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