Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

Night of Day 12 since entering the gnome's warren;

The Demon Realm

I was about to move forward.

I'd come within a few steps of Fox Girl who was sleeping innocently. Sunghee was next to me. She waved me forward like she was saying take advantage of this opportunity. Her eyes look strangely dark and hardened.

Weird girl...

"Come on, just do it. It'll be cool!" Sunghee says. She is sitting on a big rock watching me decide what to do. Her eyes don't look right. Rather than the familiar almost puppy like look she was giving me earlier now she's giving me something like almost adversarial kind of staring.

Huh? What a weirdo.

Since when am I someone that gives into peer pressure?

"Just make sure you let me watch, okay?" she said stiffly.

Somehow I don't feel good about it. But I'm amazed that I picked it up; since it's not logic, but more like emotional logic of this not feeling good. Sunghee is looking at me too expectantly; she has the same look on her face as the Fox Girl with closed eyes. Why would they both have the same emotions on their face?

It's very puzzling.

I'm about to go forward and suddenly I stop.

Stop, I keep thinking.

This isn't me. I'm not the kind of person that does things like this. Plus she's not aware. I feel really icky inside. But there's something else wrong with this picture doesn't feel right not just morally but something is off.

I also realize my curiosity was pulling me forward even though my mind was staying stop. Did other people get into trouble that way too?

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Huh? What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean. Why are you encouraging me to push down Fox so much?" I asked with my arms crossed.

"I just think you deserve her. You've worked hard. So you should do it. You've earned the right to take her virginity haven't you? Go on and pop her cherry while she's down for the count," she waves me forward with her hands. "You'll regret it later if you don't take her virginity and someone else does instead."

"Are you mad at her? What is it? Did you guys have a fight or something when I wasn't looking?" I still couldn't explain this weird behavior.

"It's nothing," she said. "Just go take her now."

"She's asleep and unaware too," I said.

She seemed like she was going to yell at me. "This is your only chance. She will be more guarded after this. Think about it. If you don't now, you never will."

That's partly true...wait, what am I thinking that for.

"What do you mean, that it's nothing?" I probed. So there probably was something. How else was this strange behavior manifesting. I just didn't know about it. It wasn't normal for another girl to want me to add another in the mix right?

Or did she want revenge from what happened with being imprisoned and misplaced in on someone else? I asked her about it again.

"Nothing happened," she said defensively.

Ah, so there was something. But what was it?

"Ah, I get it. So you two? Maybe something happened between you? Are you sure? Because you wanting me to take her when I could take you doesn't make any I want you to tell me in plain terms what really happened. You seemed to want the love and attention for yourself earlier," I said.

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