Chapter 105

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Chapter 105

We kept moving and shooting for the next hour. It's turned into a pretty good contest. Our sharpshooters against theirs and I've been shielding ours, so there isn't much that they can do.

But we're lucky!

We had a few close calls, but with my magic skills we got through unscathed!

According to the dwarven information source, this town hadn't always had a stone wall like it does now. They completed it about ten years ago. But without it, we'd have probably had the town fallen already. A wooden wall would fall to fire magic from goblin shamans in probably only one volley and a little time to spread out.

And for dwarves ten years goes by quickly. Their strategists also ironically believe the plan to siege this town might have been created before the wall was completed based on the enemy positions seemingly looking like they would match up with how the wall looked before the stone wall was in place.

But I can see signs of the old wooden palisade still which aren't entirely obvious. There are a few places inside where they had left a few remnants of the huge pike like stakes tied together, though they are hard to spot since they'd mostly been cleared away.

But at that time I'm shocked.

Finally someone got a critical hit that punctured one of my shields on my sharpshooter.

Aernvein, the dwarven sniper, was wounded terribly in the shoulder after a massive ballista hit ricocheted off the wall and causing partial collapse of my shielding and knocking his full out in return. It's an amazing coincidence that doesn't work in our favor. I tried to get rid of the poison and even used some healing but he has to go to the dwarven shrine to rest. He's old enough that he probably shouldn't have been fighting anyway and that's the main problem. It's a new discovery. It seems that old age doesn't always work well and has it's own type of lingering pain factor when healing wounds on someone past certain ages. I'm quite surprised by it. He still needs rest and a break even though technically the wound should be about eighty percent healed. I later discovered he has to have two good naps anyway during the day and on top of a normal sleep despite his injuries.

So I still have just one sharpshooter left. That's going to hurt morale because he was the lead shooter. With the two of them we've killed about 59 goblins so far, not counting the maimed.

But where did that ballistae come from?

We check again...still no catapults. It takes several minutes of return fire for us to put out the enemy single ballistae from the field.

It's then though, that something weird happens.

I recognize it. It's the feeling of something out of place. I've felt it before, and recently with the imp magic user battle when I was with Fox.

"Asakura look out!" I warned her.

"Eh? What is it?" she looked about. She's not seeing it but trusts that we're in some kind of new danger. She's instinctively holding the shield tighter thinking it must be more goblin arrows.

It's like the walls have suddenly started bleeding and seeping out black blood and a hundred arms made of black ink that resemble tentacles and are stretching out towards us. Before we can stop them or get away the hands have latched onto me and pull me under into the middle of the strange supernatural tarry ethereal slime.

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