Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

Night of Day 12 since entering the gnome's warren;

The Demon Realm

We still huffing and breathing hard from all the hard work we're doing. By now a ton of imps have died, but I can't really take any of the credit. To their credit they didn't seem to even flinch when their brethren were killed. Were all their kind like that?

How can they charge in so recklessly?

It's basically all the work of Fox Girl and Sunghee to have brought us forward this far. My kills are still less than a tenth of both of theirs. I'm actually like proud that I could even survive so many imps.

Yeah, surviving is good by itself. Survive now to become stronger later. Bit by bit I was climbing the ladder. I felt also deeply grateful to having Sunghee and Fox Girl here.

She still won't tell me her name.

"What are you chuckling about?" Fox asks me suspiciously, yanking me from my inner thoughts.

"Huh? Oh nothing. Just glad we're alive," I said.

Big deal I'm not a big ass imp killer. But I didn't lose my face to their razor sharp claws. That's good too right? Is not getting maimed also progress as part of survival, I wonder?

We managed to flee from the beach area but there are still dangers. I feel the regret as we leave. It's really a beautiful beach. I feel a longing to play with Sunghee and Fox here.

Some of the imps tried to follow us but Fox Girl was able to shoot them down with some kind of energy pulse from her weapon. Still she shoots them down every now and then when she spots them.

We keep traveling for a long time, going near the shore line but trying to not be out in the open. Bit by bit, we start to lose the imps, thanks to the destructive power of my two companions. If it weren't for them we'd have been swarmed for sure. Eventually the terrain changes and gets more woody and green.

We find ourselves in what looks like a hill meadow of some kind. There is tall grass here and all kinds of interesting flowers and trees. It doesn't look like a deadly killing zone, which it really is. But at least the imps aren't bothering us.

"Wait a sec, something's not right here," Fox warns me. Of course she has the best senses of all of us.

But then we're surprised some more when a dark cloudy mist starts to form in the middle of the meadow. It continues to gather energy. Sparks and what looks like a mini vortex of a black tornado the size of a man appear in the middle of it. But I can't help but feel the belt mode of the demon box also pulsing with the tornado. Sometimes even the stealth mode belt showers sparks along with it.

The vortex keeps growing and sucking in energy and air from around us. It creates a small wind that's hitting it. But the wind is picking up as the energy grows. The others also notice the belt form on me pulsing with the energy.

"What is this?" I asked Fox. She's the supernatural among us so I expect she'd have a guess at least.

"That can't be good," Fox says, narrowing her eyes. She is hunched over in an attack stance.

"The box is summoning a boss?" Sunghee guesses. She looks at Fox Girl, who shrugs.

"It seems so. But this is new to me too. I haven't seen this before. But then the previous owner of the demon item box wasn't good at unchaining prisoners. He'd never done it before."

"If so, did the box also summon the imps too?" I wondered.

After a brief few seconds to think about it, Fox frowns, "probably not. I'm not a hundred percent certain, but I think we just stumbled on them. A place like this is natural to have a lot of monsters after all."

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