Chapter 110

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Author Note; So I fell really behind this week. Sorry about that. I don't have an update yet on book releases. But I do have a website that I hope to be able to announce next week. Right now there's nothing there. But the person working on it did finish the bare bones content management system. I have yet to put up actual stories yet. So I'll delay announcing that till next week.

Anyway thank you all for your support and patience. :)

 Chapter 110

We were slowly napping as we rested as best we could. But it's high stress to rest before an attack when you aren't sure what time it will hit and because of it I keep waking up, in half panic at the slightest noise. And you have to rest after you make your other preparations because you can't just stay up for 24 hours straight right before a fight without having your energy crash. Sometimes it's just the wood in the flooring creaking from the expansion of pressure changes caused by the temperatures under the stone tiles.

So, it was ending up as a sleepless forced rest; the kind of sleep where you feel like you're just still tired and tossing and turning half the time. We knew at any minute all hell was about to break lose. That creates a lot of stress because even though I can stand up to any kind of evil, I can't really do it while I'm dead tired, or hungry. And no matter how strong you are, anybody can be afraid of something sneaking up on you in the dark when you are vulnerable.

Rina was hiding with the dwarven women and children, while Asakura was next to me. I didn't want Rina involved in this since she's so fragile and it's not a place for her to be able to even survive in, so that's where she was sent deep into a secret hidden mine shaft. The other dwarven men and even about half the women that didn't have small kids to care for were all armored and ready for war.

At some point the goblins would retaliate was ever present in our minds. We've been here for hours, waiting patiently sure that Svinn and the others are right. Our plan and strategy is in place, but we can't do anything more until the goblins attack.

"This is also much scarier than a dungeon run because the sides are flipped and it's almost like we're defending a dungeon and the goblins are the adventurer's. Defense is harder than offense too and have other disadvantages," Asakura said to me.

"Huh?" I was confused, but then realized she was right.

"Its possible right?" she prodded me again after I mulled over it for a bit.

"You are right," I said. I gave her a pat on the back lightly which made her smile. I guess she just wanted to be acknowledged.

Maybe the pheromones are making her anxious to prove herself to me?

They do, mess with people's loyalty systems, as I'd already seen. So this is possible!

To get ready of course I'd had to 'feed' Asakura for as much as I could between resting and naps but that doses the...person in question with a lot of pheromones and that can affect their behavior for several hours afterwards. Sometimes they'll be too edgy like they had a lot of sugar or be blinded to negative things going on around them because I'm next to them or in this case she's trying really hard to be like my number one, even though she's already proven that a lot.

Wow this power is really overkill. There's nothing like it.

I literally have total control over almost all of them except Fox and they'd do anything for me. It's completely seductive and I'm actually terrified I'll misuse it because the power itself keeps throwing advantages at me all the time that are hard...impossible to ignore.

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