Chapter 107 Part A

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 Chapter 107 Part A

Currently I'm 'feeding'.

And its concensual.

We couldn't help it. It was I think the demon genes. They make me extra thirsty after a fight and make my teeth itch like crazy. Plus there's a psychological and body effect feeling when my mana is low that is influencing all of that together.

It helps in getting rid of all the aggression too. But strangely I don't feel hateful even though that goblin shaman wanted to off me. I wanted it

So since I'd used so much mana I think I went into a feeding frenzy.

And now Asakura's breathing super hard and there's the sounds of her ,"aaah, aaahah, aaah, aaah!" echoing through the air. In spite of the stories, girls really do make noise while having least they do with sex demons. I don't know about if supernatural features aren't involved though.

Minutes before I'd ended up ripping Asakura's clothes off so forcefully that her clothes are damaged. I sort of regret that part but half way through mind blowing sex I also remembered I have the summon equipment spell so I can replace the torn up clothes.

But it's sort of a wakeup call that the demon genes are dangerous. I can't stop drilling her in non-stop sex even if I wanted too and because it's an emergency feeding too...even if people had been around us I think I would have blown my cover.

Also I swear that my thing...cough...has grown. I can't prove it and it didn't measure longer but somehow it doesn't look the same as before. I swear I could hang Asakura from it and still move around because of how the weird demon steroids work.

"Shun...your eyes are like...they don't look human," Asakura gasped while I'm pounding into her. "Oh don't stop that's wonderful. Yes! Yes!!! Oh, harder...harder!!! More! That's...what ...heaven like...ahhhhhhh," she started sort of mixing a moan and scream at the same time.

"Moreeeeee!" she gasped out again a few seconds later.

I can't talk though and it's like I'm in autopilot mode.

But I'm conscious of her clothes being unrepairable.

Am I dangerous to be around, is a question that's floating in the back of my mind.

What if I'd just been on the street and around a normal civilian?

I'm not different from a vampire except its not blood I'm after.

But I am managing to only be with my lover, so things are working out without the side effects being too bad. I'll need to be careful how I manage this...

I can't concentrate right now...

An hour or so of non-stop wild aggression on each other later Asakura and I return to sanity. Of course her sanity was only gone from the orgasms but mine was ... I don't know how to classify it exactly.

It does mean that I'm getting worse.

"Oh Gosh, that's so awesome! Soo hungry," Asakura said breathing hard after we collapsed into a heap. At first she had collapsed onto me but as we're breathing hard she rolls us over.

"Here Shun...that was soooo awesome! My gosh! How do you do that? It was like heaven and the big bang theory happening all at once! Wow! Wow, wow, wow, wow! Can we do that again? Oh I mean...I want you to rest on me instead OK?"

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