Chapter 136

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Author Note;  Its that time of year again! I will this week be looking at my logs and notes to figure out what I can release next. I hope to have an update next week on what my next book release will be! Stay tuned in! 

Thank you for your support!

 Chapter 136

I wake up to the sound of heavy knocking on my inn door. There's a muffled voice.

It takes a minute for the sleep to leave me, and my vision is blurry because I was so tired. It's too early...I wish I was still in the dream state too. For many reasons...

"Water," I managed to say.

"That's not good. You need water? This is why you're weak like this Shun. You having only one girl that can breast feed you. Your species needs heavy feeding and resources to manage itself, even I know that. And since that's your only way of feeding certain nutrients that is a severe handicap and liability," Sunghee said but unexpectedly she's so serious while saying it like she's talking about banking or cooking or whatever. She's next to me in bed. She stretches out while yawning, pushing the covers down a bit and exposing her uncovered chest and massive nipples. She doesn't bother to cover up after that. She likes and wants me to notice her.

She then goes to hug me. "Let's stay here all day," she groaned.

Wow, it's hard to believe anyone can have nipples like that. And her tits are so big already with nice wide bowl shapes. Yep, if it weren't for Asakura she'd be the size queen.

I could I stay in bed all day. Her idea has merit. Two big thick ones.

I hope the inn staff won't charge me extra. They'll probably think I snuck someone in through the back door. I forgot to ask if having another person is extra.

Oh right there's that. I keep trying to ignore it.

The knocking sound persists. It's a reminder to participate in reality; so many obligations coming at me at once. And it also seems like the more powerful you are the more people try to sway you into their problems.

"Just a minute," I called out.

"Fine, meet me in the dining area of the inn," the male voice says back patiently through the door. Its Gyle that dwarf I saved...I think. I haven't known him too long but it does sound like him.

"Don't you want some breakfast Shun?" Sunghee is naked under the covers and grabs my rod.

"Actually I think I'm good. I had enough before we left the dream state," I said smiling big.

"Oh come on! You know what to go again. Please just one more round," she said winking at me and not letting go still. She's got a strained look on her face and is now begging repeatedly while her boobs shake up and down.

The shaking bouncing boobs sway me more than her words.

Somehow Sunghee has already mounted me and pushed it inside less than a minute later. To hell with Gyle, he'll have to wait. But I made her promise to only make it a quickie. When we're finally winding down its so tight that it's hard to pull out of her but that's because she's squeezing it so hard.

On the other side of me I hear groaning too. Rina is trying to wake up and is naked too. She's not groaning from pleasure though, but because she got woke up.

How did she get in here? Oh right, I forgot I stopped fighting her advances, it was like trying to win a tank war with Russia. Or maybe I summoned them both by accident in the morning between when my dream ended and when I started to wake up. Oh wait, now I remember I'd pulled them with me, so I could use Sunghee as my guard and also train Rina up at the same time.

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