Chapter 171

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Chapter 171

Finally we left the slave auction place.

It's actually good that we didn't buy anything there this time because we don't really know what's good or bad there yet. If we just bought the first thing we saw we'd have a lot of missed opportunities by not being patient.

After footing it in the streets, all day we need a good break and to relax our minds. They have two major parks in this dwarven fortified city, with giant sunlamps lighting up both of them through magic so that stuff can grow here from the cavern ceiling several hundred meters above us. And because of the sun lamps and who knows whatever other enchants are involved, the dwarves have managed to make this vast underground city park have a wealth of green trees, peaceful flowers, and a meadow like feel with a clean pond in the middle.

Sunghee and I find ourselves walking towards this peaceful area, though now that we know how warlike this world is we still keep our guard up and make sure we're not followed by anything.

All kinds of benches follow the brick road going through the park, with many different dwarven couples spaced throughout it. But unlike human culture where a park like this would become a haven for people making out, the extreme conservative flavor of dwarven culture makes it so most of them are sitting up straight, acting tight laced and afraid to move with their dates, and only holding hands innocently. They also resemble people that don't know how to act on dates in a way, which is a little bit amusing.

Sunghee is rubbing my back while we rest in the dwarven park. We sit on the benches while we're supposedly eating lunch.

It ends up something like me lying down while using Sunghee's toned athletic looking legs and lap as soft pillows while she hums to me a Korean lullaby from when she was a kid. Then while listening to it, I get to drink a certain type of milk from a certain person while she's eating an MRE from the summoned box and has a canteen. All of this while enjoying heaven and looking up at Sunghee's beautiful smiling face, while both of us feel peaceful wonder. This is the life. If I'd have known this park was here sooner I'd be here every day.

We also found out about this place from one of the dwarven runners before we retired them for the day earlier.

"This park is so peaceful. It's hard to believe we were ...or still are fighting for our lives in this city," Sunghee said with twinkling eyes.

She gave me a romantic kiss on the head.

"Thanks lover," I said while holding her hand.

"No problem," she winked aggressively. She's also happy. Who knew life could be this wonderful.

"You know Shun. I ...have wanted to tell you this for awhile. But ...thanks. Thanks for giving us hope. After finding myself in this chaotic world with war and monsters, you can imagine how awful it is to find everything a mess and everyone is desperate. Our blessed lives are better than these other people. We have food and clothing and while our safety is often threatened we don't live in fear like these other people do of being defenseless. It's because of that, being with someone who isn't desperate and always on the take or dying, or killing someone that I think my life is better now," Sunghee said earnestly while giving me a kiss.

"Thanks," I said. "You are pretty awesome too."

"You know I realized I hate being defenseless. Even though I want that cabin in the woods life I noticed that I don't want to ever stop studying martial techniques both armed and unarmed. I want to be able to always be able to never ever be taken again. So I hope you can enroll me in some kind of martial arts training classes here," she said.

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