Chapter 179 Part B

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Also because the economy isn't in good shape. I'm forced to take more measures to market my books and stories. This means, I'll be posting a youtube channel with some of my stories and chapters. I will update you further next week on this. 

I would ask you to please help me with this and support me. Because if this works I won't have to raise prices on the books. The economy is forcing me to do this because things aren't going well for consumers in general, meaning they have to be more careful with money. I hope to have a youtube channel up for my stories next week with some chapters. And that will let me have more marketing, so that I can keep things cheaper for readers. 

Thank you!

Chapter 179 part B

Dialogues from the trial;

"Your honor my client is innocent," the defense lawyer said. He had his hands stuffed in his pocket and was fumbling cookies hidden in his pocket. His suit and image look sharp.

But his demeanor seems to lack energy, like he's being forced to be here.

The dwarven crowd laughed and jeered. They kept jeering for some time, until the judge and the guards threatened them with fines.


"How can a human be innocent of anything?!" others cried out.

"Death to the humans!"

"Humans are filthy like orcs!" a dwarf supremacist cried out, with strange pro dwarf tattoos on his face. He's not the only dwarf supremacist here either but there are several of them. He's just the most vocal and visible. But rather than Nazi symbols, dwarves use symbols of dwarven beards temporarily put on their faces using some kinds of ink stamps.

Pretty sure a lot of them look like scruffy bike rider types dressed to look scary and with weird tattoes, you'd see in big cities around Earth, except medieval style.

The judge banged his gavel to shut them up.

"A likely story, it's obvious he's in cahoots with that vampire girl. Her very presence with him is proof of his wrong doing. He wasn't the victim of any vampire bites either, which is very incriminating and suspicious," the prosecution said.

"Objection, we don't have any proof the vampire girl is with him. He could have been an innocent bystander when she arrived! Also she may have been about to bite him when the war twin showed up your honor," the defense cried.

"A likely story. Your honor, the defendants identified as Shun and Mallory were found cohorting together a plan to take over the Dwarven Empire and off the City Lord and it's prince to take their place," the prosecution stated.

"Sir, we have no recorded mana devices to collaborate this testimony. It's obviously a fake claim to stir up the people's hearts towards a guilty verdict prematurely! This is discrimination! And when do we allow dwarf supremacists in our court rooms? Further its weird that the defense has been stripped of interpretation devices to even understand what's going on with their own trial!" the defense stated.

"Overruled for now, prosecution I'm not playing favorites with you. You still have to work to earn a living but please proceed," the judge stated looking bored.

The defense attorney noticed the judge simply ignored his comment about translation devices. This didn't make him happy but when he went to raise that issue again he was shushed.

"Understood sir," the prosecution dwarf in a fancy suit stated while fumbling with his tie.

A fat looking dwarf who looks like he's never stopped eating is listening intently and is the current judge. It's obvious he's the judge doesn't exercise either, from where he sits atop a high desk on a pedestal platform. He's also got a fixation on gold jewelry as some dwarves do, but his jewelry is displayed prominently almost like a pimp showing off bling might from the human world, in comparison.

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