Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

Night of Day 12 since entering the gnome's warren; The Demon Realm

"What in the hell is the Demon realm supposed to be? Isn't that this entire world?" I asked in stress while looking around. Something tells me I'm probably not going to like the answer. It looked like just like any other sandy beach except for the ruined moon.

We also can see a bit more with the moon, but not very much with limited range.

A beach huh...if we weren't in danger, I would have wanted to enjoy it with Fox Girl and Sunghee.

"Save your questions for later. We have other things to worry about now," Fox Girl said. She nodded at the cliffs overlooking the beach and pointed. She was intently studying something over there. Her ears were laid back like a cat's when it was angry.

Does that mean...? Danger?

But what was it she'd seen?

"Yep we're under attack, or will be very soon," Fox Girl says.

"Huh? What do you mean by under attack? There's nothing..." Sunghee then looks up.

When they are about thirty yards away I can finally get a look at them.

"Eh? Is that what I think it is?" Sunghee says trying to squint. She saw it first.

She pulls the dwarven war hammer from the back of the waist of her miniskirt. She's giving it a few test swings to get a good feel for it until she feels satisfied.

Oh so that's where she was hiding it...

Even as they say it, I can see what looks like dozens of small bat-like creatures flying straight at us. They seem small in the distance, but there's no mistaking that they are headed this way. I even think they are bats, but as they get closer I can see they aren't. They do resemble bats in that they are smaller than people and have bat-like wings, but it's a bit different. They seem to be like the blend of what a human and a bat would look like if they crossed, and dark colored skin.

It's a pathetic ugly looking creature with dark colored and wrinkled skin, with hateful faces and expressions of small bite size killers. They are something from nightmares come to life. Their eyes speak of cunning despite their small size, and they have overly large fangs and sharp jutting jaws.

Are they speaking to each other?

I can hear some kind of 'chittering' sounds among them with each other. Is that...they can communicate with each other?

"Are those...imps?" Sunghee guesses.

Fox nods, also pointing at them with the hand holding her knife. "I've seen these before. Don't let them latch onto you. Even though they're small, they are really dangerous because they swam and team up. They like to get a good group of like ten of them to pick people up and then carry you off and make you fall to death. Then they eat up the remains. Don't ask how I know that."

"I guess you've seen that happen before?" Sunghee raises an eyebrow.

"No problem. No problem. We'll just crush these like the orcs right?" I mumble. I'm trying to psyche myself up but feel nervous. This is another creature I've never faced before. When it's something I haven't faced before that makes it scarier even though they are much smaller than the orcs. Being smaller actually has a lot of disadvantages too, since it'll be harder to hit them and they move fast on top of it.

"Why imps though?" I can't help but ask.

"They act as scouts for demons and daemonkin because they are fairly fast and expendable. Another reason they are liked for use as scouts is they are small enough to be easily bullied so they won't have as much chance of trying to depose their master as other races. So it means we have already been found. See a smaller group of them is going the opposite way to report it to the imps' leaders?" Sunghee points at a few specks in the distance.

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