Chapter 117

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Author notes;

Feel free to check out my web site. I'm putting up some things there for readers. Also it has started translations of this story in Spanish and Swedish! If you are interested in learning languages this is a good way to be both entertained and still read Isekai stories.

Thank you for reading and for your support!

 Chapter 117

Reports on the dwarven front and the war activity...

After last night laughing at Doppel-chan trying to catch us I awoke feeling very amused.

At first the mental shock of radically changing what we were doing in high stress bothered me. But I got used to it after 'breakfast' with Asakura, and her smile at me.

Currently we're in the travelling army convoy system. We'd marched most the day already in long lines with the other dwarves; which feels pretty darn safe since it's a fairly good sized army convoy even when stretched out this long. But because of so much going on and how tired and stressed out we are, we were able to ride in one of the wagons which has helped us rest up. The dwarves didn't like it at first, but Svinn vouched for us and probably saved our life of dying from fatigue in doing so though I felt they kind of owed us since we were responsible for that small town being saved.

I kind of feel bad that we had to leave that small town. It had a homely feel to it. At least it did before it was gutted by war. Svinn and the others assure us that it'll bounce back twice as strong and even get military reconstruction vouchers to expand the town, since it held its ground.

Then after morning cleanup, dinner, and our normal routines I took Rina and Asakura with me to try to meet with the dwarven leaders.

"So Ingvarrin won't be able to join us to talk?" I asked when Svinn came back to relay our plea to meet with a leader to work out small issues.

Since he had sort of recruited us I was curious about hoping to meet him again. He had also seemed very smart and wise and who doesn't want to be with smart people to make your life better? It's not like we were asking for money anything right? I thought it was fairly reasonable.

Svinn shook his head, "he's busy that one. He and Silverspur are holding the whole Southern Kingdom together and a lot depends on them. In a way they do more than the War Twins, even though they aren't as flashy about how they do it. I bet he only gets about four hours of sleep a day with all the activity he has to take on daily. He has constant scouts and messengers coming in every hour updating warfront information and there's so much of it if he neglects it even half a day it can get too hard to look after; it's a wonder he can even keep from going crazy because there's so much activity."

"Sounds like you've seen his inner leadership ring?" Asakura guessed.

"Wow you're sharp. You're right. He tried to recruit me but I told him no. I wanted to sort of have a break after the last conflict we had," he said.

"Wow," Asakura is also impressed.

I couldn't help but be a bit curious of what has happened to Ingvarrin, whom we'd met awhile back but he's too important and too busy to spend time with us. He's riding in some kind of wheeled palanquin, which makes us a bit jealous but then again he's higher up the food chain than we are. We'd wanted to see him again. He had this strength just oozing out of him that even non-mages could pick up on.

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