Chapter 176

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Also an apology that I had to take some time off in early January for illness. But I'm trying to get busy as possible again! 

Chapter 176

Ayumi point of view

It feels...I don't know, not warm or cold but somehow exposed. I feel like I'm resting on a cold hard surface as the fatigue is starting to disperse over my foggy mind. At some point the fever had started to pass but I don't know when. It was sudden. I feel clammy, dirty, and like a need a bath but first I need to do something about this headache.

Yeah, the headache...

My head is killing me. Dang it, my head hurts.

Ugh! What happened to me?!

How long has my head been hurting like this? It feels like forever, even with all the sleep. I began stirring at some point. It feels like I've been asleep for a long time. The mind fog over me is intense because of the length of the sleep but gradually my eyes are getting less blurry.

Huh? Somehow my vision seems sharper and more defined. The edges around things are tighter with like extra shadow tightened around things. This is really weird.

There are voices near me.

Mom? Dad? Sister?

Wait, no they aren't here.

Depression solidifies in my heart. I wish they were here. Where is here?

I can piece this together. Think...

The last thing I remember clearly was being at the school and we were under attack by...orcs?! Actually I don't even believe in orcs but with so many students under me bringing stuff like magazines and video game pictures on their comic books and in their phones they would describe them as orcs. I'm not entirely sure that's what they are though.

How did that happen?

I don't do drugs but something like that seemed like what drugs would make you hallucinate right? Or maybe I'm being hasty in judging others? I avoid too much alcohol and don't smoke. I've also avoided bad men trying to spike my drinks in restaurants with stuff. I've had to be careful of men trying to spike my drink in the past and wondered if something happened like that.

But those were what kids would say orcs look like when all hell broke loose. Suddenly it's all coming back to me of that vivid nightmare. They were filthy, grimy, smelly, and covered in war paint and such like that. Plus...all the blood... I'd tried to forget that part.

They'd grabbed us. Then when we were knocked down they ripped our clothes off whenever it was a girl. When it was a boy they ripped the clothes off for different reasons; so they could skewer them with long poles to roast them over a fire. That...was horrific to see. I saw several people killed like that. One of them I even started to see them start to roast him when he was still dying. Then the screams of pain and their hideous laughter as the torture was prolonged.

Oh jeez...I feel queasy.

I only wasn't raped because their leader took me and stuffed me full of drugs or some weird concoctions which made my mind see nightmares. Then he'd thrown me into something like...I think it was a bag, no a box or some kind of prison? And it was dark and then I was asleep. He'd have done more if he weren't still trying to capture other girls that were getting away at the time.

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