Chapter 166

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Chapter 166

Unknown Surveillance Agent point of view; before the team entered the giant pumpkin

The targets I've been following are staring at it.

-1 Unknown 'support mage' to track, aka Shun; check;

-2 hottie assistants that would fetch great prices on the market with nice figures, check;

-1 expendable dwarf...well the dwarf ran off somewhere in a hurry actually.

We wouldn't get much for the dwarf probably in comparison with the other three. So far everything is going according to plan. I'd also positioned myself right to be the observation team and not the take down team so this is pretty awesome.

We should make a nice commission on these three targets.

But there are some oddities.

Why are they staring at and in front of a giant pumpkin?! What the hell? Where did that come from?

It's a really, really big giant pumpkin beyond anything I'd ever seen before. It's so big in fact that it's bigger than many homes. The support mage doesn't seem to be the cause of this entity manifesting.

It's just like in that folk story, Rendercilla? Although the origin of that fairy tale happen to be skeptical; someone claims it came from someone with Other World Syndrome.

"Weird," both of my assistants cringed ahead of me.

"What the hell is that boss?" one asked me.

"Quiet down you two. This job is too important to screw up," I hissed. I avoided answering him because I'm not sure myself.

Both of them cringed but obeyed instantly from their hiding spots.

They should cringe, little small fry bitches. After all I've got good clout with the boss, plus I can eat nails for breakfast I'm so fucking tough. Nobody dares mess with me.

I'm far away enough not to be seen by the targets I'm following. This is the job, those three but especially the one. But I'm worried one of the others will take the prey before I do. It's no secret that there were several job chits for this underground job.

I keep watching and studying it while we're all hiding as best as we can.

Our observation targets are in front of it with an unknown unidentified girl with them that looks maybe around 16 to 18 years of age and a bit too skinny and lanky but also pretty. Actually she'd probably get a good price too when we snatch them all up in this snatch and grab. In fact she's so pretty she'd almost get as much price as the second female with the smaller C cup boobs. But if she's a mage, which seems a good possibility then she'd get a better price than all of them except the primary target mage Shun. that one female with the biggest boobs a high human? Holy shit this is a gold mine!

High human targets are high stakes money!

I almost leaned out of my hiding place because I'm a bit too excited. I can't be sure. Not many can tell the difference between the two. I've been trained on special identification techniques but even for me I can't be sure. If she is then her price just went up big time too. Not even the other two with me suspect she's a high human yet, but I wonder if my boss will notice.

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