Chapter 91

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Chapter 91

The alarm is still going off in the dwarven camp to call them to arms.

"Head hurts...need more," Asakura said, I noticed she was looking at me longingly. Unconsciously she's now leaning against me.

Rina gives me a dirty look. "I think you've had enough." Rina pulls her away.

"Ah jeez, doesn't she ever stop?" Rina exclaimed right after that. Of course they are both referring to that particular activity.

"Hey you two, cut it out, we have to stay moving," I said. It's not my fault, I tried to tell myself. This magic or whatever it was, was affecting us in strange ways.

I hear Rina curse after her breath after hearing it. She's also staring at Asakura's boobs. " the farm did they get so big?!" she has big eyes.

"Focus! We need to help the dwarves," I said to both of them sharply. I waved my hand in front of her face. She followed me instead of the hand, no matter what.

It was spooky still the way she acted. It was like she could pass for a person but everything was wrong. I wish I could figure it out.

We're now following the dwarven heavy armors on a mission. It's been about an hour and a half since the alarm went off. It seems we had been sent out on some kind of emergency patrol but we don't know all the specifics and everyone was in a mad rush to get together asap to leave.

We received the distress call right away and started moving before knowing the full details. It's a full dwarven patrol with us in it, being attached as a 'field medic support and two assistants' in the back.

"Keep it together. If we can't defend ourselves or help others we're as good as dead," I said to Asakura.

But I was saying it to myself as well. She frowned but kept moving.

We're all armed as best as we can. By now all of us have the famous dwarven war hammer. It seems it's like a standard issue to new recruits and mercenaries. But is it really that great if everyone has one? Come to think about it, it's all pride rather than the best weapon, I think as I frown at it while we walk. But because it's a solid well built weapon that won't break we're good. That's one quality we won't have to worry about that we would have had to worry about if we were using swords, which can bend, break, or get nicked. They thought about giving us a cheap looking pike too, but it's too heavy for the girls to use. I don't particularly like the pikes either, since it's a 'pain in the but' to carry around for a 'field medic' like me.

"You don't need to be a jerk Shun," Rina said.

"How is saying that being a jerk?" I protested.

She didn't answer.

The dwarven patrol seems to have all experienced rugged looking dwarven soldiers with dusty and old equipment. That's good though, because I'd be with greenhorns if they all had new equipment. They don't look like they've seen a bath or a real town in quite awhile.

"Hey, what's the mission objective?" I called out.

Almost no one here has the language enchant so we're worried and not sure what's going on for a few more minutes before someone gives us the details.

We're lucky however, that there is an interpreter assigned to us, temporarily. It's a mercenary dwarf that's marching with us at a fast pace.

"Can you guys keep it down? You are so noisy," his voice growled. He looks left and right into the darkness trying to see if anything is coming.

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