Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

Trying to fix Asakura...

Asakura's eyes are dilated again.

Just like a nurse or doctor I've been testing her reactions and alertness. One of those was using a light spell to see her cornea's reaction to the light. Of course I'm not a pro doctor but I'm trying to evaluate scientifically and that's what really counts here.

OK, what else should I check...?

I keep wonder what's going on.

Just about every possible minute that we aren't fighting or training she is wanting to be sexually active. She's now again stronger than I am too, which wasn't a surprise but this has increased again.

So I'm trying to figure it out. I want to find scientific reasons for the changes and that's the whole point of this. If I could spot like foreign matter or some foreign cells or something on or in her body then maybe it could help me to understand more about what's going on.

Hmm her skin is really good, now that I notice it up close while studying her pupil reactions. It was good before but now it's like it's totally perfect and no blemish of any kind anywhere. Is that part of her body changing? I've also noticed her hair like before is turning a silvery white. It's a nice healthy color though, not like an old person's white hair. Of course at this point it's only a few strands near her temples. But it looks interesting and mystical; its not the same kind of change as someone getting old.

But I lost control of the situation once she became sexually active again. After another hour of 'feeding' she starts to relax.

She's naked now on top of me holding me down when we were trying to finish sex. But I can't get up because she's holding me down forcefully. We end up panting for a long time as we finally start to relax.

She stares off into space even while she's trying to be the dominant one in our activities. I don't like the whole sleepy zombie mode thing, though even though it's a lot of fun so far. I'd rather have a smart person.

But then I feel a wet spot after she came.

Of course she likes this so much and goes so long that it's normal for that to keep having a wet spot in a certain area between us, since Asakura is a squirter. It's a bit unexpected though, to discover it in this way. She kept trying to like climb up me too.

But this time it's higher up, near my belly button and it felt like a drip. A persistent dribbling again hits me. It's a consistent drip like a leaky faucet. There it goes again. What is that?

Wait, what?

What the heck is going on?

More leaky faucet in the dark.

What is that?

I hadn't been paying attention because of other things, or it had just suddenly started up. I think? When did this start? I realize because she's hanging over me the dripping has leaked what looks like a milk puddle all over my chest. But that can't be right?! I touch and sniff it to find out what it is. That isn't easy because milk has only a very faint smell if any. It's also a white color with a tiny almost imperceptible pink tinge to it.

Sure enough it's milk as I bring some of it close to my nose and tongue. I also looked to make sure where it's coming from...yeah enough said there.

Asakura has started lactating I realize as I looked up. It's certain that it's not something else, and I can see milk dripping and dribbling generously and with strong flow from the upper two faucets that are full to bursting. It's not running wildly but it's certainly there, bubbling up and starting to drip and condense heavily. Then it starts to run down her after that with about half of it dripping onto me and a smaller part of it running down her chest.

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