Chapter 140 & Update

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Author's Note; Thank you for your support! I now have an update on my next book release! I will try to get Witch Tamer Book 3 ready for release. This appears to be the title I can have ready and that many people will like. A lot of people like the idea and plot concept of a witch tamer dungeon adventurer class. So I will try to have an update on an actual date announcement to update next week! Please support me and watch for this with me! :) 

 Chapter 140

It's been a few hours of precious heavenly R and R (rest and relaxation) in the dream state with both Fox and Asakura.

While taking a little time Fox and Asakura haven't accepted each other as easily as Fox did with Sunghee, or Sunghee with Rina. Its taking some time for Fox especially, who is by nature still distrustful of humans even if it's me. I think it's also because Asakura and Fox are by nature opposing alpha females in my harem that would both normally take the number one spot.

Sunghee though having abilities and confidence of an alpha female was forced by very nature to be submissive in how I'd rescued her in this world. Thus, the problems of her conflicting with other harem members were less.

Thinking about it, I need to get Fox in quicker since they are both by nature alpha females. That means one of them being unsecured and if a bad dispute happens there's a chance to lose one of them if I don't lock them both up tightly. But looking for ways to do that isn't easy with Fox because of her distrust.

At one point Fox even accidentally hugged me, when she was actually trying to back away from Asakura in worry. I felt the warm bump as Fox has just collided with me. It's too late to pull away and happened by accident.

"Ack!" Fox said while freezing.

"Eh?" I said at the same time we are still collided.

I feel the weird sensations telling me Fox's clothes are entirely an illusion as it's almost like a naked girl is hugging me. I'd almost forgotten her clothes are just an illusion, because she never touches others and because her skill with illusions is so well detailed. Oh gosh...the feeling of her chest against mine is almost more than I can bear...

"Eeep!" Fox yelped, worried she'd lose control. She has a look of conflicted wanting to give in on her face too. She froze up instantly.

"It's OK. It's going to be fine," Asakura said for me.

Fox kind of listens but didn't know what to do.

This could be a good chance actually. I seized it. Before I can back off she had accidentally hugged me back tightly from the pheromones but then backed off again.

Was I really going to end up recruiting Fox? I was tempted. But she seemed a lot different than my other minions. It almost seemed too good to be true.

All this time she's resisting letting me get close to her, and I only have barely made a sliver of progress because of the pheromones really. And whenever anything good has happened she always pulls back a mile retreating emotionally afterwards.

I didn't think anyone could even resist the pheromones. Will she be able to it? And does that mean they need to be upgraded? But if I do upgrade them the normal human harem members will probably go crazy and become uncontrollable right? And to foxkin how do humans smell anyway? Does she think we smell good or...?

"It's OK. Please don't be afraid of me," I said to Fox still hugging her gently to let her down.

Fox stiffens significantly in fear while Asakura is puzzled. Her ears also were laid back in stress for a few seconds but then they relaxed. From that I can hypothesize that she's probably the only foxkin in the world right now to pursue any kind of relation with humans. There's really that much to overcome.

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