Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

Asakura has to hug me to stay warm. While we talk about it, but doing so makes me overly conscientious of how close we are. I'm worried about the pheromones kicking in too. Sunghee and Fox only had to touch my hands to get it to spark and she's hugging my full body.

When you get this cold you stop worrying about who is seeing you too.

But she's shivering. Right now her mind is on the cold while our teeth are chattering so badly that wonder if they'll crack like glass.

"Do you h-have a p-pl-l-plan?" she asks.

I turn away from the dwarves in the dark and suddenly pull open the demon item box. Of course they wouldn't be able to tell it from a normal item box.

There I'd tucked away the energy sword that Fox had given me. I have to get it out now because I don't know what will happen if I try to open the demon box underwater. If I did would it also make the orc training room underwater too? That could make Fox and Sunghee have a lot of problems. I'm not sure if it would be that extreme, but why take the chance.

Yep, getting the energy sword out now is the best thing to do.

I'll use it to carve a way in for the water ladder to be worked out. Plus, it'll help me avoid freezing to death. But I'll have to be careful about it moving differently in the water.

I recalled during the dream state when I'd poured energy into it without even trying to and it'd melted the sand of the training room floor into thick clear but a wild looking miniature sea of glass. Back then, my accident was now turning into something useful! Of course when that had happened I'd been lucky none of us had gotten burned, since it was so hard to control.

Now that trick would for sure help out. How ingenious! I should have thought of it before!

It's perfect for this. I can use it as a drill and then set the spike into the hardening molten sand. I just hope the dwarves aren't set on getting their iron spikes back. It might make getting them back impossible or difficult if they are trying to salvage them.

Heh, we can do this! The water ladder will get finished and then we won't be trapped in here like rats!

But I have to be careful. It will be really easy to get burned by both the burning energy sword and the molten sand or water heating up fast. And we'll have to be by the molten sand to set the spike. Moving while carrying this thing will be dangerous.

Asakura won't understand either since she wasn't in the training room dream state.

I still haven't told her about that stuff yet...when the time is right I will right? Of course I'd have to figure out how to even describe it.

By the way I've got all these other women on the side...but don't worry because you are all being influenced to accept it calmly.

Yeah that will be fun to tell her.

We're almost ready to go down.

"Hey that looks cool, can I see it?" Asakura asks.

I snatch her hand away just in time. "Be careful that thing will burn your hand if you touch anywhere other than the grip," I warned. Even the grip is hotter than it should be actually.

"Eh?!" she's shocked. She pulls back.

"I changed my mind. I don't want to touch it after all," she hurriedly added.

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