Chapter 167

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Thank you for reading. Also an update, I will put up a chapter for Life Wizard on my website tomorrow. I apologize for getting behind on that, and had illness recently. 

Chapter 167

Dream State

"So commences the anti-witch meeting number 126," Fox said with gusto, or Sylvie rather. I'm still getting used to calling her by her real name. She slammed her makeshift gavel down on the sand. It was really just a piece of the walls she'd chipped away from the adjoining orc training room as we sat here in the sandy arena.

"Eh? Is it really like that?" Asakura asked.

"Unfortunately it is," I said.

Asakura then suddenly raised her hand.

"Yes?" I said.

"Um do we have to wear clothes right now? Because I know..." she blushed. She also looks bursting with milk right now.

"Um, let's stay focused on business," Sylvie quipped lightly.

"I guess we should ask the necromancer to consult with us too," I admitted.

We decided to see if his information could be useful so I brought him out.

I'm curious what Sunghee would say but I have her guarding my sleep. And unfortunately because she is guarding my sleep it means tomorrow she might be too tired to help me, since she'll have been up part of the day, and also much of the night right after.

We also have Cid hanging out with us for only a few minutes of brief two or three minute bursts since like hell we'll ever trust him. But part of the deal is he's lying face down in the sand which his hands tied behind his back right after we let him out. We'd love to give him more freedom but, let's be real. He is a human killing necromancer, even if he's funny and way too nerdy sometimes. So we have to watch him carefully.

He spat sound out. "Whatever. I'm tired of this. Can't you let me go?" He seems both patient and annoying at the same time.

"No," I said.

"I have to pee," he said.

"Go ahead," I countered.

"Yay! So untie me now," he said.

"That is so not going to happen, especially someone who can cast spells," Sylvie hissed. I think he got the hint. Besides we all knew he was full of shit.

"I meant in your pants," I said.

He frowned. "So...unfair."

"Life is meant to be unfair," Asakura said.

"You are a necromancer and a former enemy. I'm sorry it had to be like this. We don't know how far we can trust you. And we still are deciding what to do with you so don't expect a lot of mercy," I reassured him.

Cid nodded slowly while looking seriously somber.

"Are all ...necromancers like him?" Asakura asked Sylvie directly.

"What do you mean by him?" Sylvie asked.

"He kind of looks a bit ...I don't I think the word is shabby," Asakura said.

Cid cringed, clearly offended also, but afraid to voice it.

Fox...Sylvie shrugged, "I...make a point not to associate with them. I hope Shun also does the same. Also we need to get rid of him soon." She raised an eyebrow at me and was looking at me in the eye.

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