Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

In transport with the dwarven military, location transient;

It turns out the dwarves are great benefactors. They are also generous with sharing their supplies too. It's also thankful their supplies are much better quality than you'd expect in a medieval economy.

But it has a price. We end up being assigned to one of the patrols to back up their troops to help guard it and act as 'troops'. It works well. But I wonder what will happen once we are inside one of their cities?

In a matter of a few days, we fall into a routine of helping them clear out goblin caverns on their way back to the capital area. We mostly are used as backups and they have let me assign Rina and Asakura to be my bodyguards, so that they don't have to be on the front line, nor be separated from me. The first day with them it seems we had a lot of orientation meetings, and of course resting up that was boring to talk about.

But until we found that out we were a bit scared they'd separate us.

On day 2, we were assigned to a patrol to circle a dwarven hamlet in a special mountain range on the surface that had reports of goblin scouting. We arrived on the scene to find that a large goblin force had surrounded the place and were trying to dig under their wall.

With the dwarven heavy armor units, the siege was broken in less than an hour and we hardly even had to do anything or lift a finger while the efficient golem heavy armors with dwarves inside did all the work. I'm impressed with them and curious how they work. Rather than an electrical system it seems to be some kind of mana enchant tool technology by the look of them but I doubt the dwarves will let me study them out up close. Ingvarrin later told me it's called golem armor suit worn by a living dwarf pilot inside it like a mechanical suit that looks almost like it's part steam engine or something.

That showed us even more about the superior dwarven technology than they realized just from the explanation. It turns out not only are the dwarves good at smithing, but they have a lot of enchanter type magic users among them. They power the dwarven military equipment with rune and enchantment schools of magic, and rune like batteries that they recharge daily, or more if they have too. They normally use a type of automated crossbow that only dwarves have. They have to reload every shot by hand, but can pre-load four shots at once, and then close to melee range.

The complexity of their technology as me confused. I thought this was a medieval world? But their equipment is impressive. It seems almost like some kind of appearance from all of that together that looks a bit like steampunk? But nothing else on this world seemed to even be remotely close to the dwarves so far.

So they must be ahead of the other civilizations and not the norm for this world is what my hypothesis so far is. So far this idea is holding up. I wanted to see that more and get more information but the dwarves won't let me; they want to protect their technological superiority. They seem to be very afraid of letting other races steal or see their technology. That probably is a valid fear, after seeing how they tear up little goblins in a series of skirmishes over the next few days.

This type of unit is really worth the effort in a sacrifice or effort to study more. I'm thinking if I study how they enchant; it will help me to work on spells and spellwork crafting and get more ideas of how magic tools work and can be made. Although I'm sure it's worth investigating. But because we'd been critically exhausted I hadn't had the dream state activate the last two days. So I wasn't able to ask yet.

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