Chapter 123

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 Dreamweaver Chapter 123

The dwarves are wondering what's up when we report to roll call with Asakura and Rina totally competing with showering me with affection on each of my arms in short skimpy school uniforms that show off their tanned midriffs and end too high above the knees in the skirt. The summon equipment spell had a minor change recently in that it had been trying to make the girl's clothes more durable and even more easily usable by Asakura with her loud protruding huge bust. It's weird that the change to the summoned clothes happened around the time that Rina pulled off her trick, as if it were linked to the sex demon genes leveling up. It's also weird that it made the outfits skimpier and more like sexy clothes with plenty of midriff showing, rather than plain old school clothes also.

Because we're not by a town I can't get them normal clothes right now either. And if I did would they even go for it? They seem to be compelled to like the changes. I'm sure it's the sex demon gene influence and maybe partly that acting on my desires but neither of Rina or Asakura object and seem to like it. But it's awkward that we have to be careful talking to people now. Both Asakura and Rina are now playing the part of looking like slutty followers of a mob boss almost as it were.

If this is being a mob boss I can totally handle this.

I can see also more jealous looks from the dwarves after I walked in with my arms being stuck in boobage of hot women that insist on each holding one of my hands. A lot of them probably haven't seen their women in weeks or months too. When no one was looking Asakura did this trick where she rubbed my hand into the part of her cleavage that was sticking out too.

So the looks from the dwarves now are pretty intense with jealousy, even if dwarves are good creatures supposedly. Asakura and Rina didn't stop competing with each other to hang onto my arms and try to get me excited when we came over to the meeting area and it's made a lot of dwarves mad.

Our unit it almost entirely, only dwarves but I do notice a few humans that I don't know.

After we have breakfast in the mess tent, everyone is getting ready to go. We separated from the dwarves at the end of the meeting.

Then we packed up the whole camp and left on the march. Absolutely nothing is left behind. The dwarves have a good wagon system that are pulled by both dwarven golem armors and servant golems acting in place of horses and oxen. Some of them are even designed to look and feel like metal oxen or metal horses with glowing red or blue glass eyes.

The march is fairly long and tiring but we're pushing through it. The dwarves don't actually march fast, or hard, but it's just not fun to be walking non-stop all the time conquering by perseverance. We worked really hard to get as far as we can. Everyone has pushed it and tried to hike hard. We even took turns riding on the wagons to give people rests while alternating. Everyone got a turn and is expected to help out with being walkers since only a small few get to be riding the wagons.

True to her word Rina is acting like a changed repentant person, being teachable and no longer trying to get attention. But I'm still not sure what to do with her. It's almost like I wonder if she'll go back to her old ways but she is even staying good when I turn my back on her.

Asakura...still in Rina's body squeezes my hand affectionately. "It'll work out Shun, just be loving. That's all we really want anyway. That's what everyone in the world really wants but they don't know it." She patted and tucked my hair back into place with a beaming sunny smile. Any fool can see she's in full love struck nonsense mode.

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