Chapter 95

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 Chapter 95

Dream State; after Fox finds us...

"Seriously? What were you thinking?" Fox demanded.

She's bit her lip to contain her anger and pacing. She's got her hands on her hips and is giving me an angry look now. I can tell she wants to yell at me but is unsure if she will damage our relationship. She's got a complex look on her face that I'll have to be delicate with. She's just found out that Sunghee and I hadn't met with her because of many hours of sex and she feels left out.

"Sorry?" I plead for mercy.

She's pacing back and forth and gnashing her teeth. "This won't do at all."

She finally calms down. "You need to calm down from this whole sex demon thing. It's getting too much control over your life." She looks at me like I'm about to be punished. She jabs a finger into my chest to emphasize her point. She at least didn't make it hurt too much, but is trying to get me to wise up.

I do look down. I feel badly if it's affected Fox.

But I do feel like Sunghee is important to me and I do care about her, and that this isn't just a one time fling. I really want all of them to work out. So I can't go back on that or feel regrets for it. My feelings for Sunghee are real.

They aren't one night stand feelings. I intend to help her and take care of her forever.

"I just hope you keep control of your original personality. This is difficult and a dangerous power what with your species change into a sex demon. So you have to always make sure it's you that's in control and not the other way around. I haven't been around this kind of change before so I'm not sure what to do. I want you to keep your guard up at all times. Try to resist it sometimes just so you know it's really you that's doing the decision making," Fox said, still pacing.

But even as she says it, she's staring at my groin. Yep, even she's affected.

She's too angry to let me have a word in.

But I want to explain.

All it would take is one swipe of my fluids onto her face and she'd cave...

What am I thinking? That's just a temptation. And if she were to resist she'd be even madder. I'm sure that thought must be perpetuated by the sex demon genes influencing my brain to want to feed non-stop.

"Any idea what kind of sex demon though?" I should be horrified but somehow I'm a bit curious at the same time. What would such a change mean for me? For us? Would it be safe for others to be around me? How long would I be able to keep my hands off Rina?

"Yeah this is not a good situation. Also you better not be touching me anytime soon. I'm hoping to not become a mindless puddle of jelly anytime soon," she flashed me another wicked look of burning anger.

Wow, Fox's iris's change when she's mad. I hadn't really noticed it before, or perhaps she'd just contained her anger better in the past. When she gets mad the pupil changes from a circle shape to a cat like slit shape.

It seems that foxkin eyes change somewhat depending on what's going on with their emotional state. It isn't a huge change but very subtle, but alluring.

I'm suddenly very interested in her.

I could help her too...

There's no reason I should only help Sunghee...

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