Chapter 147

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 Chapter 147

In the end before leaving the dream state I had to make some changes. It seems that Asakura and Fox aren't going to get along as well as I hoped. I have to think of ways to keep them focused on me and not on their rivalry. Also they both are used to being the captain's first mate and I have to help them see that they don't cancel each others future or hopes for a future.

There were a lot of questions we didn't get a chance to ask too.

Like did Fox know she would grow tall like that after mating? Why not before? Did it happen because she was already like at 99% of whatever needs she'd been working at to complete the evolution or from the soul link exclusively? Do all foxkin get that tall? Do they have a uniform adult size or is it totally different based on their current magic power total? How much variation is there between her and other foxkins?

Those are just a few of the questions I'd wanted to ask.

But I can't ask or get any answers to them until I can compare her with other foxkins.

And right now with my current issues, I was afraid they'd start trading blows at each other after being together for an hour. This is totally weird because Asakura could get along with anyone as long as they aren't violent towards me. But I do see that it's the attachment towards me that is the cause of it.

It's just they are both alpha females, I realized.

I've always relied on both of them to keep the other girls in check and it created a situation of them both being like an alpha female in regards to the others. And neither of them wanted to take turns in sex but were getting greedy about it.

Fox doesn't hate Asakura.

Asakura doesn't hate Fox.

I need to help them work this through however. And they are both worried about their future being stolen away by the other. And both want to be the closest to me of the other girls.

Naturally we had to study the other complications too. I have to be careful how I handle this because the pheromones could actually work against me if I let myself be caught in situation where they can backfire.

"Stop we can work this out," I reassured them.

They are hesitant about obeying now for fear the other won't listen while they eye each other.

"Fine," Asakura said.

"If she backs down too," Fox said.

I don't have a ruler or measuring tape handy but it seems that the size change to Fox is permanent and wasn't a temporary thing she'd done with her magic. She's now over eight and a half feet tall with a thin slender look from head to tone. She'd already looked thin and athletic but now it feels a bit more pronounced, since she's so much taller to see up close and her ears look longer too, but she also has a nice look to her skin that doesn't look too skinny in spite of growing tall and not fleshing out fully in other areas. But because she'd changed when she didn't have very much fat on her to begin with she's still thin boned for her size and her ribs are sticking out a bit because of maybe being a bit too skinny, but not to the point of it affecting her looks. My previous judgment of eight feet was slightly off because she wasn't upright and allowing us to see her fully. She also sort of sometimes doesn't do full posture so she can be down near my face to talk, like a half bent over situation. But she's too sexually aggressive right now probably due to the pheromone influence, not letting me up for even a minute.

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