Chapter 99

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Chapter 99

Demon Inventory Box Dream State

I found myself in Fox's bedroom.


This is weird.

I look around.

She's never pulled me in here before.

But Fox has clearly pulled me here shortly after we'd found a private room to rest in and before I could go visit with Sunghee for a bit...which has me disappointed. I'd been hoping to have some alone time with her first. We probably don't have much time. The dwarves will wake us up.

It's the same room like a tatami room of something like a royalty bedroom that is great and spacious, but oddly mostly empty. Only Fox's bed is in the room except for the faraway wall having those dressers I'd seen before.

Fox is ahead of me about ten feet away kneeling on the floor as if facing a military superior officer. But I'm not sure if she's like that thinking she's the superior officer or me the superior officer. But she's got a kimono like robe on. It's not the same style as an Earth kimono though, and more like how things are for here with their own style from this world. That raises questions too. Did she pull that image from me or Sunghee's mind, or like something that evolved on this world?

We greet each other with smiles and bowing. But like usual she's careful to avoid touching me.

"So what's the occasion?" I asked.

"You've got to step up your skills. You are being hunted," Fox said.

"What?" I asked.

"You didn't know I can see outside the box into the real world did you?" Fox is giving me a straight face.

"You can?" Ugh...that could be embarrassing depending on the circumstances.

But surprisingly as I study her reaction Fox looks at me with admiration.

"Like all the time or on certain conditions?" I asked carefully. This brought out some complications. What if she could also figure out a way to ask someone to ambush me to rescue her?

"Well...I wish I could say all the time. But it's actually dependent on certain conditions. I can only feel and see faint images when a threat or something dangerous draws near. If you or my survival is threatened I may get small bits and pieces. I've wanted to hone it further and sharpen it, but it's a difficult skill to use," she shrugged.

"Oh, I see," I managed.

"Don't worry, you are actually doing pretty good when you remember you aren't from this world and yet you seem to do better than most who do come from it. But I need to give you some feedback because of where you are and what's ahead," she said smiling.

This is confusing.

Can I trust her?

She seems trustworthy...but she might be desperate.

A few thoughts keep going through my head.

First, is she trying to watch for a chance to leave? She did say she wants the archmage and magic skills to go up for both of us...but now that I think about it, how do I verify that's the truth and not just something she told me?

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