Chapter 170

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Chapter 170

Assassin Leader point of view

"What the fuck is wrong with you people?" I screamed into the telepathic communication necklace enchanted item, provided by a certain mage that I killed to avoid paying some ago. I pace back and forth. And now I'm biting my nails. Actually that's a terrible habit for a poison user for obvious reasons.

Also as long as I find another mage to not pay the next time I need something cool it will be fine as long as I lie good still.


I forgot this necklace communicator device has an amplifier built into it, so if I talk loud it comes out as a shout. And I just shouted...I can hear the groans of several team leaders as they cry out in pain. Oh well I'll say sorry for screaming at them if they still have eardrums left. Ah well, screw it. I should also get ready for my backups.

"What? Boss don't get mad at us. We've shot more than our share! Things are fine with us," The Sniper Team reports in.

"We heard heavy fighting on floor two. Floor two and three teams aren't answering us anymore. But we've done our objective off the first floor," the other team lead said. He sounds a bit winded, but healthy.

Hmm, so is Sniper team better than they are or just bad luck with the others?

No wait, I refuse to accept that. I trained them personally. My fist tightens around my belt as I get ready to kill the first unlucky fuck that crosses my path.

They were trained to be the best!

"Team three? Check in please," I said trying to maintain calm.

"I'm telling you boss, team three, six, and four aren't reporting in," the other guy said again.

"That many? There must be something wrong with their communicators. You know that's happened before," one team lead said.

"That's true, but still..." came the reply.

"Why aren't they checking in....Leb, I mean Team Leader 43B owes me money," someone else said in the radio chatter.

"Shut up dude, this is the boss's channel. He doesn't put up with unnecessary comments," the first guy said.

What? They are missing?

All three teams?!

That's too many. It's impossible. The communicators have limited power too so unfortunately we had some radio silence earlier but they should be answering back now.

"Boss, where's our backup?" one guy said.

"Shut up. Stay quiet and do as you're told, follow the plan. I'll worry about the plan and the backup. Your job is to trust me and you better; you just trust me on this. This isn't a damn fairy tale where you get an army to back you up when you are too weak to do your damn job. Then you get paid. Easy as pie. Now pick the fucking pace up," I ordered.

Seriously that kid is so unreasonable.

Why haven't I fired his ass anyway?

He's always been kind of mouthy. Him thinking he can question the plan all the time is bull shit. I'll kick his ass so hard he won't be able to sit down for a month when he gets back.

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