Chapter 88

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Chapter 88

As we move across the water tunnel things are getting easier.

We swim better but the water makes is move constantly a consistent rolling flow from the current which we still don't know the origin of. I have to keep Asakura and Rina from trying to hold onto me or body warmth. I actually like it too much and I'm afraid of what will happen. They are also tempted to not just from warmth but because I've got the only light source as we all swim in our underwear.

After a few minutes in the water we still feel cold but are slowly getting desensitized to it.

We were surprised that the dwarves had us go last. It's good in a way, but bad in others.

Were they trying to protect us? Or hope that we'd be 'rear guard' and have an accident?

Our group is the last to go across after the others are already there. It couldn't be helped that for some reason they said...or rather their drawings said that they wanted to get a bunch of guards over on the other side before letting us across. That was the story and explanation from Pictionary but I couldn't help but worry how it would turn out. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. I think it's good and that they are being over protective of us. It's also good that there's a good force of dwarves already on the other side before we get there. But it worries me too because I won't able to reinforce them fatigued, cold, and wet, on the other side if there is anything else there waiting for us.

So far all the other dwarves have gone ahead, except for the two guides. They are ahead of us a small ways and not really mixing with us it seems.

The anticipation is killing us, but we can't do anything since they can't talk to us. We'd already waited a long time. It takes about an hour between each stage going across the water tunnel. Some of that time is recharging stamina before crossing and warming up, some of it is because of going back and forth, and there's also the problem of sending two dwarves across who drag a steady stream of helmets behind them on a leash.

Somehow, it's amazing but nothing happens.

The water tunnel serpent had kept this area clear of riff-raff is my opinion of why we don't have any problems. That was an unexpected bonus that wasn't foreseeable until now.

We also had used the water ladder to get a good advantage and there are marks on the walls using some kind of glowy paste that the dwarves used to signal which way to go, plus having the two dwarves lead us across with some of the others.

But I can't help but worry about how many goblins we'll be facing when we reach this side of the tunnel system. Will there be nothing left or a whole army of them waiting.

We keep swimming and it isn't long until my leg muscles are aching from the strain. We also have to retain a fairly good pace but manage not breathing all at once which is really hard to do together. It's not really possible to do it well without training, and so it's glad we already had the practice runs in the past.

Surprisingly Asakura is a good swimmer. She's better than Sunghee at swimming, Rina, and myself. She insists on going ahead now to protect me. She has a spear out, while all of our gear and clothes are stowed away in my demon item box. But she does look a bit nervous, but not anymore than the rest of us. We also need the light spell radius out so we can keep a handle on where everything is, including the other dwarves that we are trying to follow. Because of the dark feel of the water there's a constant eerie feeling that if we lose sight of their swimming feet ahead of us that we could be lost forever.

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