[CH. 1]: Origins Pt. 2

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Speak of the devil...

"Dad?" A single word is muttered from the lips of [y/n] as she tries to apprehend the situation she is in right now. Shocked is an understatement, to her at least. She had never seen her father's face ever since she was born, nor she had a single memory of her father at all. The feeling of seeing someone after so long... was surreal for her.

Two years had passed since that conversation between her twin brother. Now both at six years old. Needless to say, one of them was unfortunately quirkless. Izuku, the older twin brother to be exact, was not able to manifest a single quirk ever since. [y/n] on the other hand, inherited her father's quirk.

"It's time, [y/n]. You have to do this for yourself, and for your brother. This is for the good of everyone, think about your mother, and Izuku. Under my roof, I can train you to the best of my abilities, since we share the same quirk. I can teach you what I knew through my experiences." Her father started persuading but to no avail. "But dad, why can't you just stay here and train me at the same time? Would not that be easier for us?"

"[y/n], Izuku, you two have to understand the situation I am in right now. I apologize, I can't give you all the details yet. So please, bear with me for now." Their father crouched down to their level and initiated a hug to the twins, which they hesitantly accepted. "Dad, why only [y/n]? Is it because I don't have a quirk?" Izuku begins to sulk as he remembered the hero he admired the most, All Might.

"Dad, can I become a hero, too?"

Suddenly, mother's arms wrapped around Izuku, crying silently as she tries to calm herself from breaking down. "I'm so sorry, Izuku." She mutters under her breath many times as if it was a prayer waiting for an answer through an unperceived miracle.

Then, in the corner of Izuku's eye, his father seems to have no plans of letting [y/n] go and suddenly carries her. "Wait, dad? Where are you taking [y/n]?" he cries once more, his eyes now swollen.

"D-dad, let go of me! I'm not coming with you unless you take my brother with me!" A mix of cries and screams were heard on the four corners of the room situated near the front door as their mother holds Izuku tight while begging for [y/n] to stay.



A second too late, they were not able to hold each others' hands for the last time, nor did even said their goodbyes since it was abrupt.


It has been a year, and yet [y/n] refuses to listen to her own father. For her, he is just a stranger. She has no idea who he is, even if they were related by blood, and by quirk. She's still shaken-ed by the missing presence of her older twin brother, Izuku, who also feels the same. Both sides finally came to an agreement where the twins were allowed to send each other letters to lessen the tension.

Finally, [y/n] had the courage to invite her father over some serious talk. "[y/n], I noticed how you are too smart and mature for your age, I can see your mom through you. Don't you miss them?"

"Of course I do, father. Who would not crave the urge of wanting to see the people whom I spent most of my life with?"

"You're calling me 'father' again. I told you to call me 'Dad'."

"I still am not comfortable with calling you that, father. Until you let me go back home to Japan to see mom and Izu-chan, must I call you such a name?"

"Hah! The etiquette class you've been taking paid off! I'm proud of you, [y/n]." Amazed by his daughter's immense use of vocabulary that is not usually learned by her age group.

Her father was patient enough to let her do things her way, except when it comes to training her and her quirk. It was as if he became a whole different person. [y/n] was terrified, which is why she refuses to train under harsh routines. One day, her father snapped at her for her incompetence. It worsened as she tries to defy her own father. Despite the improvements she has been showing, her father's expectations only grew larger.

Izuku, not missing a single beat, writes [y/n] letters every single day. In his letters, he includes the heroes he has seen and recorded in his hero notebook, all the possible strategies to use their quirks, and how to take them down as well. He always sounds excited, and happy in his letters. His letters were [y/n]'s only sense of comfort and safety. She wants to go back home so bad. She missed waking up to the smell of pancakes for breakfast, watching videos of different heroes with her older twin brother, and playing with the other kids in the neighborhood. She missed it all.


It has been eight years now. The twins reached the age of 15.

She wants to go back home. Home to where she is not exactly free but is capable of living without a worry to wait for another tomorrow to slowly pass by without a warning, home to where she feels safe and sound in her mother's arms again. The warm embrace she has been longing for forever since she was separated starts to antagonize her. She was dying on the inside.

Why am I doing this?

What does he mean by 'good for everyone' when I see that I'm the one suffering and he is benefiting from this?

What am I here for?

Am I only to be his successor for he wants me to do his bidding?

Was there something he wants me to do since he was not able to do it himself?

What was all the training for when there are more heroes who can do the job anyway?

Why does it have to be me?

Questions started to cloud her mind as she tries to understand her father and the things he does not have intentions of explaining to her. She'd end up lost, and confused into her own world full of unanswered questions.

Endure it, [y/n]. This will not take forever. Hang on even if it hurts, even if you want to let go. Don't.

Over and over, she reminds herself that forever is not here to stay and that all that she has been through will be justified.

A sudden knock on her bedroom door broke her unwavering trance of existential crisis. "May I come in, [y/n]?"

It was father. With her words of affirmation, he enters her room. [y/n] gets to a sitting position as her father was at the edge of her bed, sitting.

"I know these past years I haven't been treating you well. Also, I am fully aware that apologizing to you will not be enough..." Her father grabs something from one of his pockets, and hands over a letter to [y/n]

"...you'll be glad to hear this, especially from me, [y/n]" As if it was on cue, her father became teary-eyed at the sentence he was about to say to his daughter.

"You can now go back to Japan, [y/n]. You-"

Before he was able to finish what he was about to say, [y/n] hugged her father tightly, crying. "Thank you, dad."

With a smile plastered on her face, her father sulked more than she ever did. He turned to a silent cry, trying to hold back his tears as he wasn't finished telling her the news.

"You finally called me 'dad'..."

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