[CH. 47]: Aftermath

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"Uhm," [y/n] sweatdropped as she noticed how Kirishima got closer, "Have you heard of personal space?" 

Kirishima chuckled then raised an eyebrow in amusement, "I'm just messing with you, [y/n]. Don't sweat it!"

She does her 'in deep thought' pose as she carefully spoke, "I can only describe you with one word, Eijiro..." [y/n] then lets out a light laugh with a smile, "... and I think we both know what that word is." Kirishima hums as he replied, "Hmm, beauticool?" (A/N: If you get the reference, I love you UWU)

[y/n] deadpanned again, "What's a beauti... cool?" She then continues as she grinned while showing her thumbs up, "The word I can only use to describe you is 'manly'!"

Kirishima nervously laughed as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Aww, shucks, [y/n]... thanks!" He continued to speak in an eager tone, "Also, I think the word 'beauticool' suits you more anyway!"

The red-haired boy, out of pure instinct, holds her by her shoulders with his hands. Realizing what he just did, he looks away, trying to avoid her eyes, "Err...uhm... beauticool means...uhh..." 

After being silent for a while, [y/n]'s eyes lit up upon realization, ignoring the fact that Kirishima's hands are on her shoulders, "Ah! Do you mean beautiful and cool? Thanks, Eijiro!" 

She flashed her smile as she chuckled, "I already know that I'm both of those, though, but thank you, really!"

Ashido cheered behind Kirishima's back, "That surge of confidence! I love it! Yes, queen! We stan!!" 

Kaminari joined in as he nods in agreement, "Hm! We love that confidence!"

The pink-haired girl then paused, "Oh wait, have you picked your bathing suit already, [y/n]?"

[y/n] jolted as she responds with a smile while clutching the suit that she neatly folded, "Yeah! I just have to pay right now." 

Kaminari exclaimed, "Ooh, mind letting us see it, please, [y/n]?"

"No." She immediately answered without sparing a second thought.

The electro boy whined, "Oh come on, just a peek? Like one second, pretty please with a cherry on top?"

Kirishima irked, "Woah, Kaminari... I never knew you'd go as far as begging." 

Ashido sighed as she agreed, "Yeah, who knew he'd be so desperate..." 

Kaminari huffed, "Why do you guys always attack me?! I literally just breathed!"

[y/n] covered her mouth as she laughed after returning from the cashier, holding the shopping bag with the bathing suit in it, "Well, you'll get to see it if you have a chance, Denki... so don't worry!"

She then approached Ashido as she tugs her shirt, "Hey, Mina." 

The girl then turned to face [y/n] with delight as she spoke, "Wait, can you say my name again?" 

[y/n] sweatdropped in confusion, "Uhm...why...?" 

Ashido shook her head and persisted, "Please say my name again, pretty please?"

[y/n] froze as she nervously chuckled, "Ah... ha ha... why do you want me to say your name again, Mina?" 

Ashido pouted as she scratches her head with a chuckle, "It's just that my name sounds better when you say it, [y/n]...!" 

[y/n] blinked in response, not knowing what else to say, "O-oh... okay?" This just keeps getting weirder and weirder... the hell is going on? Eijiro asks me what I think about him, then Denki wants to see my bathing suit, and now Mina wants me to say her name. Are they all okay in the head??

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