[BK. 2 CH. 9]: Brotherless Day

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"You don't wanna go in yet?" Says Atsushi to his 6-year-old daughter, [y/n], who refused to let go of the cuff of his long sleeves as they step foot at the front gates of a school for girls. "It's almost time for the flag ceremony. You can't afford to miss it, [y/n]. Let go of me."

"I... don't wanna..." [y/n] mutters a reply as she hid at the back while her hands are tugging in the same place for the past ten minutes.

The school uniform fitted her almost perfectly, as her father hired a seamstress instead of relying on those ready-made uniforms the school sells in their so-called Book Store. It was the season of summer, yet the school uniform was compatible enough for the damp weather as it was raining hard last night and there were a few mud puddles around the school grounds.

With a sigh, Atsushi pulls both of her hands for her to face him as he bent down to look at her, "Look. You didn't get those English lessons in these past weeks for nothing. Now get in there already. Tardiness looks bad on a report card, and you know that."

He heard his daughter groan as a complaint. 

He wasn't having her antics this morning. The way she formed her hands to fists, stomping her feet in annoyance, and furrowed brows with eyes not looking back at him as she pouts. He can feel his blood boiling little by little as the sun finally came out from the large clouds, almost of no help from the heat he was feeling in his head.

"F-fine..." [y/n] spoke hesitantly as she noticed her father's unfavorable expression. "I'll go now." 

She then lets go of him as she slowly walked toward the gates, her expressions were eased this time.

"Did you bring your translator, just in case?"

"Yup." She says as she faced him once more, pulling out the device from the front pocket of her school uniform, and then placing it back once her father nodded.

"Alright," Atsushi crossed his arms as he stood up straight while looking at her, "If someone asks you what your quirk is, what do you say again?"

Almost immediately, she replied with no hesitation as she understood the consequences that wait for her, "I say...."

"... 'I have no quirk.' in English."

"Then, say it in English."

"I'm leaving."


I found my classroom!

[y/n] thought as she read the label above the door that leads to the classroom.

She stopped by the doorway as she noticed no one was there, just bags on each armchair with assigned names. Pretty much, it is safe for her to assume that everyone had gone off somewhere and she has no idea. It was eerily quiet as if everyone fled somewhere. But from what? She does not know.

She might have overlooked the fact that ever since she arrived, the hallways had been deserted for quite a while, too. One can only hear the rustling of leaves as a few of them dropped to the hard ground, and the wind blowing with a few rings from windchimes on each door she passed by.

She does not feel comfortable being alone at that time. It felt lonely. Her right hand was aching as it wants to hold on to someone who was sadly beyond her reach when she needs it.

As she took a few steps backward, she heard a voice behind her as it startled her.

"Hey! You must be a new student!" Says an older girl in a non-English language, who was probably [y/n]'s senior. "The girls have gathered at the quadrangle for the flag ceremony. Don't worry, you can still catch up! Lemme escort you there."

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