[CH. 85]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 10

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"This test... do you think I... failed?"

"Of course not," Todoroki immediately answered, "Why would they fail you after you did all that?"

He continues, remaining seated beside the bed with the chair he grabbed without looking at her, "You were the one who made the idea for the rescuing. You protected everyone in the test area from the debris with your shield when the explosion happened. You saved Yoarashi when he's about to fall with his head first. You cornered Gang Orca and his soldiers to the very end. You rescued me at the end of the test regardless of your injuries and fatigue..."

"...There is absolutely no way they will fail you."

Todoroki wasn't able to get a response as he sees [y/n]'s eyes widened, her lips turn to a frown, her mouth slightly opened, and her eyebrows slanting.

She didn't look at him, but at the empty wall in front of her instead, "Todoroki."

[y/n] finally looked at him with a small smile, yet her eyes seemed sad to the boy, "Thank you for saying those to me." 

She continued, her body facing his as her feet didn't reach the floor, her eyebrows furrowed this time as she lets out a silent groan, "Although... you kind of deserved it for what you did back there, too, you know."

"What do you mean?"

"You were arguing with him in the middle of the test. What's up with that?" She carries on, not realizing she made a pout, "Your emotions are running wild today, huh?"

Todoroki paused and blinked, stared at the floor since [y/n] accidentally hits him where it hurts, "I guess so-"

"[Y/N]!!" A familiar scream was heard by the door. The two almost jumped from their seats.

"I-Izu?!" [y/n] stutters as she looked at her twin brother speedwalking toward her.

Izuku spoke, taking both of [y/n]'s hands to his while looking at her with concern, "Nothing happened here while I was gone, right?" He then looked at Todoroki, who jolted at the sudden eye contact, "Nothing weird happened, right?"

Todoroki sweatdropped as he cleared his throat and gulped, "Yeah, n-nothing." The second time... The first time was when I was in her dorm room. What's his deal suddenly interrupting...? Does he have some sixth sense or something?

The green-haired boy sighed as he lets go of her sister's hands, "I'm glad you're up now." He continues as he stepped back, "Let me take you to the changing room, just to be sure that nothing weird really happened."

"I-it's fine, Izu. I can walk now. Thank you," [y/n] waved her hand as she refused, slowly standing up from the bed she sat on... and comfortably slept for at least two hours, "Thank you, you two."

"How's the pain?" Izuku asked tilting his head to see the injury.

"Nothing much. A bit dizzy, though. But it's bearable, so don't worry."

"Wait, dizzy?! Why didn't you just say so?!" Izuku then grabbed her arm and placed it between his hips and his own arm, "Grab on to me until we get there, okay?"

"I told you I'm okay!" [y/n] tries to pull her arm out, but failed in vain and gave up after one second.

"No way I'm just letting you walk like this...!"

The two siblings continued until they went out of the room with Todoroki following behind.

Todoroki stayed silent as he watched them.

He paused as he noticed the sudden change in his heartbeat. It was getting faster. What's making him feel this way? He also noticed, right from the beginning, that he seemed fired up for some reason. But for what? A question then came to his mind, which didn't help to slow the pace at all.

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