[CH. 25]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 7

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"And here are the matchups!" Midnight then shows the lineup.

"Woah, I'm up against Denki?" [y/n] spoke up as she looked.

She then looked at her brother, who seemed to be preoccupied with his own thoughts. She then mutters under her own breath, "I wonder who that guy you're up against is."

Izuku mumbles as he didn't hear what she said, "If I win my first match... my second's Todoroki... but before that..."

He then looks closer to the picture, "... Shinso? That's gotta be-"

"Midoriya Izuku. That's you, yeah?" The purple-haired guy spoke from their behind, causing the twins to jolt to their senses. The guy was actually the same person who declared war by their classroom door.

But before Izuku could respond, his mouth was then shut by Ojiro's tail. "Don't answer him."

[y/n] looks up to Ojiro, "Why?" 

He then glanced at Shinso, "Just don't, I'll tell later." 

"Well, you gotta tell Izu now, they're up against each other."

She then calls Izu's attention, "I think it all makes sense now." 

Ojiro nodded, "I'll tell you later, Izu." with a pat on his shoulder, he went on his way. 

Izuku then spoke up to [y/n], "If our suspicions were right, it might be." [y/n] nods in agreement.

"Also..." Izuku continues, "... you're up against Kaminari." 

"It's fine, as long as he uses his quirk for a long time, I can manage." 

"But you'll get electrocuted." 

"I have wings, remember?"

She continued and grinned, "Izu, if we both win twice in a row, we will be against each other in the tournament."

With a chuckle, Izuku replies "Yeah, you're looking forward to it, I guess?" 

"Heck yeah, I am!" She then pumps her fists up enthusiastically.


"Dang it! We are assigned to different preparation rooms! I can't even visit you even if I'll go in third." [y/n] sighs in disbelief as Izuku silently enters the preparation room. 

She continues as she noticed how her brother was in deep thought as he sat down to the nearest chair he could grab, "Then, I'll get going! I'll save you a seat after you finish the first round!" With a wave, she closed the door and went on her way to the bleachers.

On her way, she can see the other girls, still dancing around in their cheerleading uniforms while she already changed into her gym uniform. "They're trying to relax, huh..." [y/n] thought.

She then took a seat in the front row as she might have guessed that her brother would love to see the others' quirks in action as he takes down notes. She giggles at the thought of it while the stage for the tournament has been set up.

"I wonder what his plan would be..." She began to mutter, "If Shinso-san is really responsible for Ojiro-san's inability to recall a memory from the Cavalry Battle... then Izu should be careful around him... but how does he control the memories? By physical touch? If that is the case, both of them would stand across each other from the stage at the beginning of the match, which it would be impossible for him to touch Izu as soon as the battle starts but it would also be possible if they went in for close combat... hmm... eye contact? As long as Izu does not look into his eyes maybe that could work... but what if-"

"What're you doing alone by yourself, [y/n]?" Kirishima arrives by the bleachers as he took a seat behind her. 

She flinched as soon as she heard another voice other than hers, "Don't scare me like that," she then clutches her chest trying to calm her heart down. 

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