[CH. 68]: U.A. Dorms Pt. 1

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"Now then, Class 1-A," Aizawa spoke as he stood in front of the students, "I'm glad to see you all here." Sero chimed in as he chuckled, "Looks like everyone got permission to move in." 

Hakagure sighed beside him, "It was an uphill battle for me." 

Jiro sweatdropped as she looked at her, "Makes sense..." 

Ojiro exclaimed, "Oh, right...! Probably because you two were injured by that gas and hospitalized."

Asui spoke up as she looked at the teacher, "We're glad to see you here, sensei. I was sad because I thought you might not come back after that press conference." 

Aizawa replied as he readjusts the scarf on his neck, "I'm surprised, too. But well... a lot has happened."

He then clapped once as he gathers everyone's attention, "Listen up, I'm gonna give a quick overview of your dorms. But before that..." 

He paused and continued, "The training camp was meant to earn you your provincial licenses... and that is still the goal." 

He eyed specific people as he called their names one by one, "Todoroki. Kirishima. Izuku. Yaoyorozu. Iida." In a serious tone, he started to glare at the five, "On that night, you headed out... to rescue Bakugo and [y/n]."

He continued as the rest of the class sealed their lips in haste, "I think that all of you here... understand the consequences of those actions. The issue's been swept under the rug for now, but let me say this much. If not for All Might's retirement, I would have expelled every single one of you, except for Bakugo, [y/n], Jiro, and Hakagure."

He carries on as [y/n] silently mutters an apology while she gripped Izuku's forearm with both of her hands turning cold by the second which made Izuku almost flinch as he held hers with his free hand, "The chaos is sure to continue now that he is retired, and since we can't get a read on the League of Villains' next move, kicking anyone out of U.A. at present is ill-advised. The five who went, of course... but also the twelve who knew but did nothing to stop them... your reasons aside... the fact remains that you betrayed our trust."

Aizawa clears his throat as he continued, "From this point on, if you follow procedures and behave properly... you might be able to regain our trust." 

He then turned his heels as he walked, "That's all! Now look alive, and move on!!"

After he left, the class sweatdropped almost in unison, "Alive? After that?!"

After a few moments of silence, Bakugo grabbed Kaminari by his collar out of nowhere as they hid behind the bush and Kaminari whined, "Stop it! The heck you're taking me to?!" 

In a few seconds, yellow sparks ignited from where they stood as Kaminari came out with both of his thumbs up while flashing a dumb grin as he spoke, "Yayyy..."

Jiro covered her mouth as she laughed at him while Sero sweatdropped with a chuckle, "Woah, Bakugo. What did you do to him...?" 

Bakugo then approached Kirishima with 'a face only a mother could love' (Refer to the Sports Festival chapters for reference.) as the red-haired boy exclaimed as he took a few steps backward while Bakugo hands him a wad of cash, "Too scary, dude. You shook him down for that?!" 

The red-eyed boy scoffed as he placed the cash in front of Kirishima, "Wrong. I bought this cash myself! I don't want anyone ever calling me stingy... it would just piss me off." 

Kirishima exclaimed as he took the cash from him, "H-how did you-?!"

"Word always gets out with so many idiots around," Bakugo spoke once more as he left him.

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