[CH. 77.5]: One Five Night

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Context: This happened somewhere during Chapter 74, four days before [y/n] wore her new costume. (Yes, this is canon... for this story of course.)

"Up until now, I still can't find the culprit behind that damned mousetrap," Todoroki mumbled to himself as he strolled down the hallway to the ground floor with his notebook in his hand, swinging on his side. 

He continues as he sighed, Why am I thinking about this...? It's only a matter of time before they confess out of guilt and fear... Besides, they're bound to learn a lesson the hard way anyway. If they keep on treating people like that... then... it'll eventually bite back at them.

Hmm... for some reason, my blood seems to be boiling at the moment... I'm not angry, am I? Why would I be angry at nothing...?

He then shook his head as he knocked on a door and placed his free hand into the front pocket of his pants, and waited.


"Coming!" [y/n] spoke as she slowly stood up from her chair in her dorm room, closing her lecture notebooks and pausing her study timer as she approached the door at a quick pace as soon as she heard someone knocking. Fixing her ponytail with a huff, she opened the door in a nonchalant manner.

"Todoroki?" She blinked in confusion as soon as their eyes met. She was aware that it was late in the evening. She then noticed he was clutching a notebook close to his hips as she spoke and pointed, "Do you need something? That's... the literature lecture notebook you're holding."

Todoroki nods as he held out the notebook in front of her while it unintentionally blocked his face, like a child proudly showing off his drawing to their mother as he adds, The anger I felt earlier... suddenly subsided... "I'd like to discuss about the debate if you don't mind."

[y/n] shook her head as she replied while putting the notebook down with one hand as she looked at him with a smile, "Oh, no worries!" She then tilts her head, "Then, should we call the rest of the debate team? I don't mind holding the meeting in my room."

He replies almost immediately as he blinked, The anger... is gone...? I just feel... mushy... "We can fill them in tomorrow, it's a holiday after today."

"Then why don't we discuss this with everyone tomorrow? I think it might be a better option." [y/n] lets go of the notebook and closed the door behind her while Todoroki held his notebook to his sides as he looked away.

Todoroki sighed, You don't get it, do you...? "The debate topic is about teenagers having access to birth control without parental supervision." He continued as [y/n] jolted. He then assumed, She must have forgotten about it due to the incoming Provisional Hero Licensing Exam.

"We are in the same team as Mineta and Kaminari. I think you already get an idea of how the meeting would go. I also don't think it's a good idea to have the meeting in your room with them around. We will do it in my room tomorrow instead. Plus, the debate is three days from now." Todoroki crossed his arms while the notebook was tucked into the fold.

[y/n]'s eyes lit up as she covered her face and slouched with her head down, Is this a sign I'm getting old or something?! "Oh my god...! I completely forgot!!"

I knew it. Todoroki sighed as [y/n] began to mutter, "The debate will commence in less than three days... and we haven't started yet!! Plus, our team is against Momo, Izu, Koda, and Shoji... I bet they already knew what to do... meanwhile we haven't had a layout of our speeches yet...! And we are the negative side... this also means we have to wait for their propositions... and we have no clue on-"

"[y/n]." Todoroki spoke as the green-haired girl jolted in front of him. She lifted her head and her hands moved away from her face immediately, "Y-yes...?!"

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