[CH. 50]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 3

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"709.6 meters," Aizawa spoke up as he showed the results with the device he was holding.

Sero tilted his head upon hearing the results, "Huh? Not much farther than before."

Their teacher then continued as he tucked the device into his pockets, "You have been through a lot these past three months. There's no doubt that you all have grown."

Aizawa proceeded to walk in front of the students as he spoke once more, "But... the only things that have matured are only your techniques and minds, your bodies? Only a bit. Just as you all have witnessed earlier, your quirks were not able to catch up with the pace your body was running to. Starting today..."

He stopped in the middle, "... you all will have to improve your quirks. Even if it means you have to push yourself past your limits, that is what the school motto is for, anyway. My word of advice..."

Aizawa flashed a smile as he said his final words, "... do your best to stay alive." 

He clapped as a signal to start the training, "Now, go to your designated places, or to the ones you prefer to train. I don't really care. What matters is you improve your mind, body, and its rhythm with your quirk."

As the class nodded in unison, [y/n] headed off to Pixiebob as she skipped, "Uhm, excuse me, Pixiebob?" 

The pro hero hummed, "Hm? Oh hey!" She then flashed a smile, "Do you need anything I can help with?"

Rubbing her nape nervously, [y/n] replies with a chuckle, "Yeah, actually, is it fine if you make those soil creatures? Like the ones at the beast forest yesterday! I wanna see how long I can last if I go solo."

Pixiebob raised an eyebrow as she replied with her pointer finger on her chin, "Wait, are you sure about this? I'll make one then I will increase it by adding one more every time you manage to get rid of one, so it will go as one, two, three and so on until you tell me to stop. Would that be fine for you?"

[y/n] nodded eagerly and smiled while she bowed, "Yes, please! Also thank you!!" 

With a nod, Pixiebob shouted as she bent down to put her paws close to the ground, "Get ready!"

A monster made of soil appeared before [y/n] as she stood, with a confident grin she flashed her ropes in front of the creature, tightening the grip until it exploded, all finished in less than a minute. She then turned to face Pixiebob in an excited tone, "Pixiebob, how did I do? Should I try increasing the number of ropes or should I try lengthening them or do I need to use more than one move to get the job done in a shorter amount of time? Do I-" 

Pixibob landed her paw on [y/n]'s face just as usual, "Woah, slow down with the questions, young lady!"

[y/n] stuttered as she nervously replied, "I- I'm sorry! I just feel good today, so I just thought that-"

"Wait, no need to be sorry! I can answer your questions one by one if you want me to." Pixiebob placed both of her paws (A/N: I really don't know if I should prefer to use hands or paws.) to her hips with a chuckle.

The green-haired girl grinned as she spoke, "Alright, Pixiebob. Thank you so much!"

Her eyes then lit up when she realized, "Also I think I have some areas to work on as well, other than my quirk, Pixiebob."

The pro hero tilts her head and asks her, "What is it, [y/n]?"

"Well..." She tried to avoid eye contact as she explains, "...I've been focusing and training my quirk and my body to adjust and adapt to it. But I have almost forgotten about martial arts and stuff."

"Ah!" Pixiebob exclaimed while pointing her finger up, "So you wanna throw punches and kicks and those cool moves you see in movies and heroes in action?"

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