[CH. 62]: Hideout Raid Pt. 5

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As the villains also experienced the same fate as Bakugo and [y/n], the dark liquid oozed out of their mouths as Gran Torino exclaimed, "They're getting away!" 

All Might cursed as they both raced to them as they all disappeared without the heroes. Kamui Woods spoke as he stood up with his vines having nothing to grip on anymore, "I'm sorry, everyone!"

Edgeshot shook his head as he punched a nomu, "It's alright! This wasn't your fault! This ability doesn't open up a portal through space like Kurogiri's warp. This one seems to pick specific targets to transport, so we were powerless to stop it!" 

All Might punched a nomu as it creates a big hole in the wall while the rest on the previous floor outside were fighting off the remaining creatures.

He asked his fellow pro hero as he stepped out of the hole, "Can you handle this?!" 

Endeavor screamed at him as he unleashed his flames at a nomu, "Does it look like I can't?! Don't tell me, Mr. Top Hero needs glasses in his old age!!" 

He continued as he faced him from below, "If you wanna go, then get going already!"


Slow claps were heard from All for One as he keeps a steady pace forward and spoke, "I was planning to blast them all straight to hell...!" 

He then approached one of the heroes laying down, "That's the number 4 hero for you, Best Jeanist... you grabbed them by their clothes and threw them aside in the nick of time!" 

He stood in front of him as his clapping ceased, "Such quick decision making, such technique... such incredible reflexes...!"

Best Jeanist grunted as he slowly rose himself up, trying to land a hit on the villain, only for All for One to slash his body across the stomach and chest, he then fell back to the ground as All for One spoke, "Your strength is the product of endless training and a wealth of experience... but I don't need it."

Meanwhile, those 5 students who hid behind the wall held dear to their breaths, afraid that even the slightest sound from them would give away their presence as their heartbeats increased by the minute with their bodies unable to move.

Then, two students appeared a few meters away from All for One. 

Bakugo groaned at the displeasure as he wiped his mouth, "What was that...?!" 

[y/n], on the other hand, fell to her knees as she clutched her neck and continued to spit whatever came out of her mouth, "So... disgusting...!"

All for One spoke as the rest of the villains arrived at the same spot, "Apologies, Bakugo... and Midoriya." 

He continued as he took a step forward, "It's really in front of me... this is... surreal...! The two most important pawns in front of me..."

He faced [y/n] as she froze in fear, intimidated by the man in front of him as he spoke once more, "They must have told you the truth about him, guessing from your demeanor..."

My body... won't move...! [y/n] thought to herself as she can sense how much she was shivering in front of him as he continued, "Your father and I have something in common..." 

He then looked at Shigaraki while still speaking to her, "We... set the path to those who will come after us..." 

He looked at [y/n] once more, "Your father used to work for me secretly ever since he graduated..." 

He crouched down to her level, "His quirk... came from me... I gave it to him..."

[y/n], still silent as ever, widened her eyes at the revelation as he continues to talk, "I guess... indirectly, thanks to the quirk that was passed on to you, you're my niece..." 

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