[CH. 14]: USJ Pt. 1

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"Rescue, huh..." Kaminari sighs, "... sounds like another rough day." Mina responded with a nod, "Right!"

Kirishima teasingly bumps Kaminari's side with his fist, "Come on, this is what being a hero is all about. I'm pumped!"

Asui adds while putting her finger on her chin, "I'll be right at home in a flood. Kero"

"It's up to each of you whether or not you wear your costumes, as some of them are ill-suited to this sort of activity," Aizawa proceeds to grab hold of the controller to display the costume cases of the students.

He adds, "The training site is a bit remote, so we'll be going by bus. That's all, and get ready."

As everyone stood up to get their costumes, [y/n] approaches her brother. "Izu, I'm guessing you won't be wearing your costume today?"

He responded, "Uh yeah, it's still under repair so I'll just wear the gym uniform."

"Well, in that case, I'll do the same!" She smiled. "You don't have to follow me, [y/n]..." he rubs the back of his neck. "But I do have a reason to do so!"

"My costume is a sort of like a skirt and is flowy! It will be a hassle for me to do some rescuing if I were to wear it," She crosses her arms in defense.

"Then why didn't you ask the studio to redesign yours?"

"Oh, I was about to, though..." She nervously laughs as she does not want to admit that she forgot about it.


They all waited outside with Iida leading the group with a whistle, he eagerly calls everyone to line up as they stepped into the bus.

"I generally say what's on my mind Izuku-chan," Asui spoke up as they were seated on the bus beside each other.

"Oh?! What is it, Asui-san?" Izuku replies.

"Call me Tsuyu-chan," she looks at him straight in the eyes which made him flinched. "Anyhow, your quirk resembles All Might's."

[y/n] joins in the conversation as she snuck her arm to rest on Izuku's neck on purpose, "Why do you think so, Tsuyu-chan?" Izuku looks at his sister with wide eyes and stuttered, "[y-y/n]..."

"Oh come on, I kind of agree on one point at that," [y/n] lets go of him as she readjusts her sitting position, "Both have some sort of power type of quirk, which enhances strength for the most part."

"That's right, [y/n]-chan." Asui agrees while she puts her finger on her chin.

"Hold up," Kirishima adds, "All Might doesn't get hurt, though. They're different in that way."

Kirishima then continues on saying how that kind of quirk would be awesome to have unlike his hardening, which he finds boring. Izuku reassures that Kirishima's quirk is neat and that it is more than enough to become a pro. The bus ride is now filled with conversations about each others' quirks, and [y/n] slowly dozes off to her side.

"You wanna talk about strong and cool? That'd be Todoroki and Bakugo." Asui adds.

Bakugo heard the conversation and clicked his tongue, shifting his sitting position to face the window.

"But Bakugo's unhinged. He'll never be popular in a good way." She retorts.

He got up from his seat and shouted, "What'd you say, frog-face?!"

"See?" She points him out.

All the while that [y/n] was actually half asleep thanks to the noise, Bakugo is really getting bullied, that's UA for ya... She silently scoffs at the thought.

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