[CH. 81]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 6

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Watching the dangerous scene of people with fake injuries out in the rubble through the large screen in front of them, [y/n] quivered as what she saw reminded her of the time she and Bakugo were taken away when they were in close proximity with All For One.

She clenched her fists close to her chest with a nervous gulp as her eyes can't glance away from the screen, unable to hear the rest of the instructions announced through the speakers.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her left shoulder. She then looked to whom it came from as she let out a weakening whisper, "Izu..."

Izuku nods without looking at her as his eyes were glued to the screen as well, "I know. You'll be fine, [y/n]." He then looked at her with determination and reassurance as he sees his sister's worried expression, "Trust me."

With her shaking hand, she held her brother's hand that was on her shoulder, "You'll stay with me... promise?"

"I promise."

Iida joined in as he stood beside Izuku, "It's just like that time, huh?"

A resilient nod from Izuku came as a reply as he spoke, "Yeah... just like in Kamino Ward."

Iida sighed as he crossed his arms, watching as more people who came to act as injured civilians arrived, "But remember, the villains were keeping us from getting [y/n] and Bakugo that time. We retreated in order to let the professionals do their jobs." 

He continued as he faced him, speaking in a serious tone, "Many people actually died there."

He then perked up to [y/n], who stood beside Izuku on the other side, "[y/n], I understand this will be too stimulating for you. But we are here to do this together." Iida then approached her with a nod, "Call us when you need help."

[y/n] looks at Iida as she tries to smile, only for her to muster her courage with a solemn one, "Yeah. Thank you, Iida."

Suddenly, the trio's sullen moment was interrupted by Kaminari and Mineta hastily dragging Izuku to the side as they screamed complaints at him.

"Hey, what's the big idea?!" Kaminari shouted at him while Mineta chimed in with a squeak, "We were out there risking our lives while you were doing who knows what!!"

Kaminari then lightly grabbed the green-haired boy by his hair as he carried on, "In the middle of a test, too! Is this some kind of joke to you, huh?!"

Confused yet intrigued, [y/n] slowly followed the three without disturbing them as she thinks he wasn't blamed for something serious.

Turns out, she was right.

Mineta pointed at a young lady as Izuku was bewildered by the sudden physical assault from the two, "Don't play dumb! You and that girl!!" 

He, despite being as tall as a fire extinguisher, somehow managed to pull Izuku by the collar of his costume and ranted, "What did you two do?!"

The lady then caught the three staring and immediately smiled while sending a subtle hand wave at them. Kaminari was the first to speak... erm... yell at Izuku, "See?! That's the not-so-obvious-but-want-to-be-so-obvious greeting that can only happen after a relationship has gone to the next level!!"

Mineta growled as he readied his fist for a punch to Izuku's face, "You womanizing scum!!"

Izuku sweatdropped as he tries to protect himself from the aggressively jealous duo, "Wait, did Sero tell you two that? Whatever you two are thinking, it never happened!" 

He continued as he used both of his hands to shield himself from the light punches, "It has something to do with her quirk! I don't get it myself honestly, but she's scary."

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