[CH. 57]: Forest Training Camp Pt. 10

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[Earlier at the camp when they learned about Bakugo as the villains' target]

"They're our friend! Please let us out there!!" Kirishima begged as he stood up while Vlad King replies with his arms crossed, "Absolutely not!" 

Iida chimed in as he raised his hand, "Given that the villains' numbers are unknown, wouldn't any extra help on our side be beneficial?" 

Ashido sweatdropped as she joins with her fists clenched together, "Aizawa sensei himself told us to fight!"

Vlad King sighed while maintaining his posture, "Only in self-defense. Everyone should be making their way back here." 

Then, approaching footsteps were heard from outside the room they're all in, Kirishima spoke up as he looked at the door, "Aizawa sensei must be back. Let's just ask him then." 

Vlad King turned his head to look as he noticed that something feels off, "Wait, that's not-!!"

The entrance suddenly exploded as Vlad King Jumped in front of the students to protect them from the flames. 

Iida screamed as he motioned the others to stay behind, "Everyone, stay behind!" 

Mineta pointed at the villain in the room with his shaky finger, "Isn't that the villain who was already beaten?!" 

As Dabi was about to launch his flames once more, he was slammed to the wall by Vlad King, "Too damn slow!"

He continues as he pushed Dabi harder to the walk as red liquid started to ooze out from his arm, "You've got some nerve launching this reckless attack here. Don't get cocky!" 

Kirishima exclaimed in amazement, "Pinned in three seconds flat! Blood Control... he's so strong!"

Dabi scoffed as he lifted his head to face him, "Why not get cocky? You're playing right into our hands. The second you've lost the initiative signaled your defeat." 

He then smiled as he spoke, "You've got the top hero training academy: U.A. and All Might, as the Symbol of Peace... the two of the most trusted foundations of our hero-based society. But now, one mess after another is shaking that trust... don't you think that loss of faith will spread like wildfire throughout society? Think about it, how your careless administration keeps allowing attack after attack... you're so weak... you couldn't even stop a criminal organization from abducting your students."

Denki stuttered as he exclaimed, "Y-you!! Did you..?! Is Bakugo...?!" 

Meanwhile, Kirishima furrowed his eyebrows, "So that's how it is?! Don't mess with us!" 

Dabi chuckled as he looked at everyone in the room, "Take a closer look. It took only a few villains to drive you all into a corner-"

Just before he could finish his sentence, Aizawa leaped and kicked his head as he spoke to his fellow teacher, "No use of this, Vlad." 

He continued as he wrapped Dabi tightly with his scarf until the body exploded and melted like mud, "He's just here to rile us up. We won't get intel from this guy right here." 

He then stepped on the puddle of mud that used to be Dabi, "See this? It's just a fake. I have already dealt with one."

Vlad King approached him as he continued to kick the puddle of mud, "Eraser, what do you think you're doing?" 

As Kota froze out of fear by the door, Aizawa replied, "Sorry. I ran out to give permission to everyone to defend themselves only when necessary. I had to bring Kota here to safety as well. Please take care of him, okay? I'm heading out to fight, stay here, and protect them and this place, Vlad."

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