[CH. 8]: Battle Training Pt. 2

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"It is time for Battle Training!", All Might proudly spoke as he sees that everyone in class 1-A has arrived in Ground Beta.

In the corner, Uraraka seemed to be re-adjusting her helmet as she saw Izuku, "Ah, Deku?! Cool Costume!! Really practical looking!" without noticing that [y/n] overheard what she said, to which she snorted, "I like how honest she is," she thought.

Izuku took notice of Uraraka's comment and looked at her, with his hands covering his mouth, he was not able to hide his reaction to the young girl's tight body-suit costume, "Uraraka..." She then expressed how embarrassing she feels in her curvy suit, unknowing that Izuku was staring for a long time. Then out of the blue, a small grape-haired boy spoke up with his thumbs up while smiling to which made Izuku snap back to reality, "Being in the hero course is the best!"

Ugh... there he goes again, [y/n] groaned in annoyance.

"Izu! You look great, your helmet reminds me of someone," [y/n] said as she pointed out the design of his costume. "Oh yeah... it's kind of obvious now." He replied with a shy smile as he slouched. "You look nice [y/n]! But... are you sure of it? Like, don't you get scared of the idea that villains will see you as weak?"

"That's the point, Izu! I want them to underestimate me. Besides, it is nice to prove people wrong," she proudly smiles and explains, with her hands positioned at her hips. "Woah... that makes sense!"

All Might also noticed Izuku's costume and the resemblance to his own signature hairdo, to which he covered his laugh with a cough and thought, "Way to make it obvious!!"

Iida, now in his hero costume, asked a question to All Might before the training began, "Sensei! This appears to be the same field used in the Hero Course Entrance Exam, will we be doing the same cityscape maneuvers?".

To which the enthusiastic teacher replied, " Nope, y'all be moving to step two!..."

With a smile, he said, "Indoor Anti-Personnel Battle Training!"

He further explains that some villains tend to appear outdoors, but the heinous type are more likely to appear indoors, and that clever villains lurk indoors. Hence the creation of a simulation through this training commenced.

"So no basic training?", asked one of the students with a quirk Frog, Asui Tsuyu.

"Practical experience teaches you the basics!" to which he immediately replied.

Then, a series of long questions by the other students ensued, whilst [y/n] kept quiet.

"One at a time! My quirk isn't super-hearing!!" All Might complained.

He grabbed a few pieces of paper with writings on them and read it for the class, "The villains are to hide a nuclear weapon in the hideout, and the heroes have to capture it!"

He continued, "The heroes have a limited time, though. Either they capture the villains or secure the weapon, or doing both is the objective until they run out of time."

Izuku finally spoke up, "It makes sense, pros tend to team up last minute during emergencies... even if they work from different agencies." Then Iida profusely apologized to his question earlier, saying he got ahead of himself.

All Might then announced the teams, [y/n] is on Team D and is stuck with Iida, to which she is cool with, and Bakugo.

Bewildered to how they were the only team with three members in a class of 21 students, she asked, "All Might Sensei, the class has 21 students, there should have been 7 groups of 3 members each. So why are we the only three-member team here?"

He smiled and answered, "If there are 7 groups, given that it is an odd number, there would not be enough villain or hero teams to pair against each other. That is why having 9 pairs and 1 trio is the best solution so far."

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