[CH. 36]: Internships Pt. 2

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"Come with me." Todoroki then spoke as his back faced [y/n]. She followed suit.

As they reached to a blind corner to an empty hallway, he stopped walking as he faced [y/n] while looking at both sides, making sure no one followed them.

In confusion, [y/n] asks as she looked behind her back and to their sides, "Is... something wrong?"

He then straighten his posture, "Nothing, just making sure. Follow me."

After a few moments, Todoroki then stopped, which made [y/n] ask once more, "Is everything okay?"

He faced her once more and spoke once he was sure that the two of them were out of everyone's earshot, "How did you two meet at the sports festival?"

She knew what he meant, "Oh, you mean Mr. Endeavor... well..."

"Well?" He raised an eyebrow with an unsatisfied look on his face, "What can't you tell me this time? Do you have more secrets then?"

Not used to the type of questions, she sweatdropped, "Uhm... he only wished me luck and to give my all in the battle..." she averts her eyes while staring at a stray vase on the far corner. "...that's all I can remember." Why is he so intimidating? I can't even crack a joke around him. This poor boy has never experienced comedy in his life.

He then closed the distance between them, "Are you sure?" 

She sighs as she rolled her eyes, "Here we go again." 



"Just tell me already." He got closer. 

She got annoyed at this point of confrontation, "Why are you so stubborn? I already told you everything." 

"You didn't."

She blinked and her eyes widened as she noticed how she was cornered to a wall... for the second time. "I did." 

She stood firm to her claims despite her leaning tensely against the wall.

Trying to ease the tension, she chuckled, "You know, this seems familiar." 

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "What is?" 

"You know... your indirect attempts of doing the kabedon?"

He blinked, feeling lost and at the same time perplexed, "What the heck does that even mean?" 

She sighed with a shrug, "I guess you don't read manga or even watch anime, huh?" 

He got closer and this time, she felt his breathing as he whispered to her ear while he uses his hands to corner her. "I know you're trying to change the subject, don't you dare." 

He backs away and recomposed himself with his hands still in position, "Is that all? Are you sure that was all he told you?"

Meanwhile, [y/n] froze as she wasn't used to some act of invasion of personal space. But for some reason, she liked it, yet she can't bring herself to admit it. "Do you have any idea what you're doing right now?"

Looking more perplexed than ever, his eyes did the asking "What?" 

She sighed again but in disappointment, as she rubbed her temples while shaking her head, "You know, if this was some shojo manga, there would be flower fillers all over the two of us if we keep going with the position we have right now."

He blinked again as he looked at himself and to his hands then at her. He then adjusts his uniform vest as he puts his hands away from the wall while looking away. "Sorry. Looks like you don't trust me enough for you to tell me what that damn father of mine has said to you."

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