[CH. 15]: USJ Pt. 2

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"Thirteen, and Eraserhead, is it?" The black swirl spoke up. "According to the staff schedule I received the other day, All Might is supposed to be here."

Aizawa prepares himself as more villains came out of the portal and into the center of the venue, "Of course, that whole incident was this scum's doing."

Then the man with a hand holding onto his face, neck, head, and arms looked around the place, "Where is he...? We've come all this way... and brought many playmates... All Might... the symbol of peace... is he here...?"

"...I wonder if some dead kids will bring him here."

Aizawa then leaped into the place where the villains are, looking ready for battle with his goggles on to prevent him from blinking and activating his quirk in an instant.

Meanwhile, most of the students were petrified and frozen stiff, unable to process what was going on as this was their first time encountering so many villains in one place.

Almost everyone was sent into the mode of panic, even when they were trying to stay calm as possible as they assess the situation at hand. They were wondering how was it possible for the villains to infiltrate a venue designated for a school for heroes. The intruder sensors were not working, which led to one of the students suspect that one of the villains is behind this. They admitted they might have underestimated the incoming intruders.

Todoroki spoke up after analyzing what was currently happening, "This place is far from the campus, and they picked a time when there'd be few people here... so maybe they're not as dumb as they seem."

"They must have an objective... because this is a well-coordinated sneak attack." He adds.

Aizawa then instructs his fellow teacher to begin the evacuation and to contact the school, remembering that the communication signals were jammed, he asks Kaminari to use his quirk to signal for help.

[y/n] then sees Aizawa prepare himself as Izuku tries to tell him that his fighting style does not fit on a head-on battle. With a reply, Aizawa heads down, "No good hero is a one-trick pony."

As she heads near to her brother, she asks, "Is sensei gonna be okay?"

He replies, "Let's believe he will be!" while clenching his fists.

"But-" "No [y/n]... we have to do what he says..." Uraraka prompted [y/n] to a halt in her tracks. "He can't do that alone, he knows that..." [y/n] sighs, "...we all know that!" she whisper-shouted as she tries to escape from Uraraka's tight tug on her arms.

Uraraka resists her attempts of escape, "[y/n], listen to me! If we don't go now we-"

Izuku then holds his sister down, "[y/n]! Let's hurry up, now! We can't afford anyone getting hurt... especially you...!"

Before [y/n] could reply to either the two of them, the same black swirling portal opened at the entrance of the USJ, blocking their way outside and their escape. "I won't allow that." It said.

"Greetings," the entity continues, "we are the League of Villains. Forgive our audacity, but... today, we've come here to U.A. High School... this bastion of heroism... to end the life..."

"... of All Might, the Symbol of Peace."

After that sentence, [y/n] seemed to have her ears shut from the outside world, and into her own thoughts. Disturbed as she is, she looks at her brother, who is now in shock with his eyes wide open, hinting at signs of worry and rage combined.

Before the both of them could even move their feet to attack the villain in front of them, two of her classmates jumped into the black matter, it was Kirishima with his Hardening and Bakugo with his Explosion.

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