[CH. 80]: Provisional Hero Licensing Exam Pt. 5

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"Let's call off the truce." [y/n] spoke as she held out her hand for a handshake, followed by a nervous gulp as she stood in front of Todoroki.

Todoroki stood up as he looked at her, now towering over her height by only a few centimeters. He then placed his hand on her beret, only for him to get it off of her head as he slowly took off her mask as his hands lightly caressed the side of her eyes, "I won't allow it."

He rejects the handshake as he placed his hand on her shoulder, "I initiated the truce." 

He continues as he lets go of her shoulder with both of his hands now at his sides without letting go of [y/n]'s accessories, "It is only right that I should be the one to call it off, not you."

[y/n] dropped her hand as she clasped her hands together on her stomach, "Then, will you approve of my request to end the truce?" He stripped off my accessories as if it was nothing...! What's he up to?

Todoroki shook his head and spoke, "I said no." It was a nuisance, how does she seem so comfortable wearing these...?

Crossing his arms with his face almost forming to a scowl, "Look, you don't have to worry about what's gonna happen if we let this continue. Do you not trust me?"

The green-haired girl's eyes lit up at the question as she waved her hands in front of her, "No, it's not like that...! I mean, I do trust you!" 

She looked away while fumbling her fingers on her chest, "It's just... I can't trust the fact that my guts are telling me this will only get worse." Can I please get my beret and my mask back...?

"The future isn't always perfect, [y/n]. But it doesn't mean you can't-"

"There you are! So glad to see you guys...!"

Yaoyorozu exclaimed as she arrived at the room with Asui, Jiro, and Shoji.

The two perked up in her direction as [y/n] replied with a flamboyant wave, "Momo!" 

She then approached the group with a chuckle as she sprinted towards them, "Nice going out there y'all...!"

Asui chimed in as she spoke while adjusting the goggles on her head, "We could say the same to you and Todoroki, [y/n]-chan." 

Jiro joins as she nodded, "Hmm! As expected, you two were the fastest to get here, huh?"

"Wah..." [y/n] nervously chuckled as she scratched the back of her head, "You guys... you're all awesome, too!"

As Todoroki followed behind her while still holding her beret and mask, Shoji was the first to notice as he asks [y/n], "[y/n], did something happen before we went in here?"

The green-haired girl hummed as she replied while she looked at him, "Yeah... but it's alright now...!" 

Soon as she finished replying, she felt her beret was now back on top of her head as she jolted.

Before she could talk to Todoroki, he left with his back facing her as he waved his hand.

Yaoyorozu chuckled as she covered her mouth with her hand, "Your reactions are always big, [y/n]... it's adorable!"

[y/n] stuttered as she was stunned at the sudden compliment as she lowers her head while cupping her own cheeks, slowly making their way to cover her entire face in the process, "I... ah... th-thank you...! I mean... I'm n-not really that a-adorable..."

Asui smiled as she saw her reaction, "Even Izuku-chan reacts the same way when he's praised... the twins are weak for that kind of stuff, huh?"

Kaminari enters the room along with Bakugo and Kirishima, with Uraraka, Sero, and Izuku following behind. Kaminari spoke in a cheery tone as he strutted towards the early comers, "Yo! Good to see y'all here!! You guys are quick, huh?"

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