[CH. 60]: Hideout Raid Pt. 3

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"Mr. Eraser Head, you claim it is for the students' safety... but in the middle of it all, you urged the students themselves to fight. What were your intentions at that point?" Another reporter asked his question as he read the paper from his hand.

Aizawa, now seated in front of the media, replied with both of his hands clasped together on the table, "Since we had no way of grasping the full nature of the situation. I made that decision in an attempt to avoid the worst-case scenario."

The same reporter raised another two questions, "Worst case scenario? How else would you describe a situation where 26 were wounded and 2 were kidnapped?" 

Aizawa lifted his head up, "At the moment, the worst-case scenario I could imagine involved the deaths of my students."

Nezu spoke up beside him, "It became clear that the gas responsible for most of the harm was a villain's quirk... one with a soporific effect. Kendo's and Tetsutetsu's quick thinking was responsible for the minimization of the damage. The students have all received psychological evaluations, and none seem to have suffered and showed signs and symptoms of emotional trauma."

The reporter spoke up once more, "How about the sibling of one of the kidnapped students, are we sure that he received the psychological evaluations he needed? Can you say the same for the two students who were abducted?" 

Nezu approached the mic, "We believe that the worst has been avoided as long as the students still have their futures."

The reporter continued, "Bakugo shows a rather violent side of himself as well as glimpses of his mental instability throughout the broadcasted sports festival, meanwhile Midoriya is speculated to have relations to the hero who converted himself into the path of villainy, Lunar Hero: Moon, who used to be known for his questionable methods on getting his job done during his hero career along with showing he has sadistic tendencies, and having a striking resemblance to each others' quirks... What if it was those qualities that made them the targets? What if a skilled manipulator gets to them and sends them down the path of evil? Can you provide proof that, as you say, those two still have a future?"

Vlad King sweatdropped as he eyed Aizawa's expression, who seemed to be holding back from his seat, He was being aggressive on purpose, hoping that Eraser would lose his composure! Dammit... he knows you hate the media... he's goading on you... don't play his game, Eraser!

Aizawa stood up and bowed, "Any lapse in his behavior is my failing. Still, the way he behaved at the sports festival was because he has such strong convictions and ideals. He pursues, more than anyone, the title of top hero with everything he's got. If the villains have seen that side of him as a weakness they can exploit, then I can say they are short-sighted. As for Midoriya's case, her relations with the hero who turned villain have nothing to do with what path she chooses for her to follow. Whether we can confirm her relations to the Lunar Hero or not, it does not sway to the possibility of her ending up with the same fate. Just because her quirk resembles the former hero, it does not always mean she will be doing the same things he did, nor exhibit actions and mannerisms as he did. She is her own person, and no one can and nobody should dictate to her how she should act based on her alleged connections."

The reporter finally spoke up, "That does not sound like proof of anything. Their emotions and relations aside, do you have a concrete counter-strategy?" 

Nezu replied, "We are hardly approaching this passively. Currently, I am personally cooperating with the police in their ongoing investigation. Make no mistake... we will retrieve the students who were taken from us."


[Kamino Ward]

Todoroki nudged Izuku's shoulder as he whispered, "They're... trying to paint [y/n] as if they knew everything about her..." So this was what my old man Endeavor meant by the 'information that needs to be privately disclosed'?  But why couldn't she remember?

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