[CH. 6]: Quirk Apprehension Test Pt. 4

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Going home after the first day of school, Izuku was beyond exhausted. Meanwhile, [y/n] tries to pick up the pace and catch up to her brother, but Iida was faster than her.

"How's your finger?" Iida asks, not surprised at Izuku's reaction anymore since he flinches at almost everything it seems. "Gah! Iida! It's fine, thanks to Recovery Girl." Izuku replies as he recalls how it went in the infirmary where Recovery Girl tells him that if he keeps on getting hurt like this, her quirk will eventually use all his stamina to heal him until he runs out of it and die, which scared him.

"Aizawa-sensei fooled us for sure, huh?" [y/n] says as she creeps stealthily behind the guy with the glasses, causing him to leap. "Goodness! Can you not decrease your presence?! There are people who might get a heart attack just from that!" He proceeds to lecture [y/n] until she apologized as the three of them walked together to the school gates.

"Anyway, he made me think, 'this is how it is at the top!' but... our own teacher deceived us liked that," Iida then holds his chin as he was in deep thought.

Izuku thought, "I thought Iida was scary, but he's actually just super serious!"

Footsteps that seemed to be like someone was closing in and is running as they speak were heard from their backs, " Hey! You three!" Uraraka catches up to the trio while waving her hand towards them.

"Headed to the station? Wait up!" She exclaimed.

Iida, being frank, "Ah, infinity girl."

Uraraka took the hint that he has no idea what her name is, "I'm Ochako Uraraka! Um, you're Tenya Iida, [y/n] Midoriya, and other Midoriya... Izu... Um... Deku! Right!!" she declares with confidence.

"D-deku?!" Izuku stummered.

Uraraka explains to how she remembered the name 'Deku', "Hmm? During the test, that guy named Bakugo said it."

Then Izuku clarifies, " My real name is Izuku.... Deku is just Kacchan being a bully..." he says as both of his hands were swinging parallel to his waist, it reminds [y/n] of Iida's mannerisms which made her let out a silent snort.

"Oh, sorry..." Uraraka reluctantly replies as she scratches her head from the back with her hand.

"A derogatory pet name, then?" Iida innocently asks as [y/n] couldn't contain her laughter, "You're effortlessly funny, Iida-san" as she wipes away her tears from laughing.

"I never knew I had a sense of humor until you said it! I appreciate the compliment!" Iida bows almost to a 45-degree angle which then made [y/n] surprised and insisted he does not need to bow.

"But 'deku', well... it just screams 'do your best!'" With her fist showing while she was smiling, Uraraka remarked.

Izuku, who is now blushing and trying to compose himself, immediately answered, "Deku is fine!"

"Izuku!" Iida shouts as he noticed Izuku's current state.

Iida then proceeds to go ahead as his chauffeur was waiting for him at the gates while Uraraka runs off to the station to catch up with the last train, which leaves the Midoriya twins alone together.

As they continued to walk, [y/n] asks out of the blue, "Is it fine if I call you Izu from now on? I think I should drop the old name I keep calling you with, it sounded childish to me."

He replies, "Sure thing, [y/n]" as he clutches the slings of his yellow backpack.

"Say," Izuku breaks the silence that lasted a few moments. "How is your jetlag, [y/n]? I mean... you just arrived two days ago and your body may be having a hard time adjusting to the timezone... I think that is also why you were not able to fully control your quirk."

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