[CH. 27]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 9

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"The first round of matches are about to be half over!! Next up is Iida Tenya from Hero Course!..."

"... Versus... Covered head-to-toe in Support items... Hatsume Mei of the Support Course!!!"

The crowd starts to chatter as they saw Iida's unusual get-up, "Does he have support items?"

Midnight then reprimands the young boy as it was against the rules to have support items unless permission was granted beforehand, to which he apologized and asked permission on the spot. Midnight then allows him.

"Good thing that went well," [y/n] commented as she chuckled at the situation. She then turned to Izuku, who was sitting on her left side. "Hey, Izu. What are the chances of Iida winning against Hatsume-san?" 

"I... don't know... but..." He then points at the pink haired girl at the field, "...I don't think Hatsume's the type to offer those... she seems to be wearing a mic, too."

At the start of the battle, Hatsume suddenly starts on her infomercial about the inventions that Iida wore. [y/n] and Uraraka's sweat dropped, "Is this even a battle...?"

[y/n] commented, "Honestly, I gotta say..." she then stopped crossing her arms as she curls her hands into fists,"... those items are awesome!" 

Izuku was startled at her reaction, "[y/n]..." 

"I mean look..."She then does her signature 'in deep thought' pose, "... those gadgets would come in handy... those custom leg parts make Iida run faster and his feet lighter... Hatsume-san's hydraulic attachment bars helped her dodge him so quick! Also that auto balancer, you wouldn't have any problems about falling and tripping over!" 

Izuku deadpans as he took down notes with what his sister said, "You sure talk a lot today." 

She paused, "You're right! But, I don't feel tired right now, and this is the day I have talked the most ever since school started. Weird." 

Uraraka joins in with a smile as she turns to face the twins, "But you two sure looked so enthusiastic today!" Both of them nodded with a grin plastered on their faces.

The fourth match ended with Hatsume stepping out of the ring voluntarily. [y/n] joked, "I guess her sales pitch was over." 

Izuku chimed in, "And it was a wise move, she's aware that getting into the second part of this one-on-one match will get harder and her quirk may not be of use for that." 

Uraraka nodded with a chuckle, "She really used Iida for her stuff and he got deceived...it's too funny!"

Uraraka then paused in her commentary and stood up with a visible change on the expression of her face as she looked down, "I have to go to the prep room." 

"Uraraka-" Before [y/n] could hold her hand to stop her, Uraraka hangs her head low as she went on her way. She then turned to Izuku, whom who nodded as he understood.

As she sprinted to where Uraraka is, she met Iida along the way. She was then greeted with a flamboyant wave as they met at the center of their distance. 

"Great job out there, although you looked like you were used as a test dummy...!" She then realized he praised him with a backhanded compliment and paused as she recalled what she just said, "W-wait! I-I didn't mean to say that, i-it just slipped outta me!" She then flung her arms around in defense. 

"I get what you mean, [y/n]." A stern smile crept up on Iida's face, "It's totally alright!! But..." 

He complained, frustration painted on his face with the way his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed, "I really dislike her!! She deceived me! I can't believe I was used! And it went on for over 10 staggering minutes! All for her advertisements for her work!" 

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