[CH. 18]: USJ Pt. 5

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"Let's clear the game and go home!" Shigaraki declares as he lunges forward towards Todoroki, Izuku, [y/n], Bakugo, and Kirishima.

Kirishima, in his defensive stance, warns the others, "He's coming. Get ready!!"

Meanwhile, All Might is now in the motion of punching the Nomu. His fist slammed onto the Nomu's fist as well as strong winds surround the two of them. Then, the hero proceeds to land several punches on the creature vigorously, overwhelming the shock absorption of the Nomu while All Might begins to spit his blood once more while smiling.

"Tell me, villain..." He grunts as he continuously punches the Nomu nonstop, "... do you know the meaning of..."

With his final blow, "...Plus Ultra...?!" the creature was sent up high then went beyond to the point it went outside the USJ as it cracks the window upon its exit.

Meanwhile, the six students were left standing in awe. 

Kirishima broke the silence, "Like straight outta the comics. He just smashed his way past the absorption! The ultimate bruiser..."

All Might was left standing, with his signature smile beaming upon his face as steam comes out of his body. He then turns to Shigaraki, with a smile, "Well villain. How about we hurry up and finish this?"

Shigaraki once again scratches himself out of spite, "You cheated...!"

He continues, "He's not weak at all... they... they lied to me...!"

All Might spoke up, standing as more steam escaped from his stationary body, "Well? Coming to get me?! What happened to clearing the game...?"

He then glared confidently, "If you can take me, then bring it on!!"

Shigaraki shuddered, with Kurogiri beside him.

On the other hand, Todoroki spoke up, "Right... we are not ready for this level yet..."

Kirishima notices Izuku getting closer to the scene as [y/n] tries to pull him back, "Izuku! We oughta just hang back for now."

[y/n] joins in as she pulls him with her grip on his sleeves got stronger, "Rush in and they'll take hostage, Izu..."

"...I can't let that happen."

Shigaraki then screams as he scratches himself in the same places as he sees All Might still standing with a smile, "If only we still had Nomu!! He was taking those hits so well...!"

Kurogiri, who happens to be beside him, spoke up in an unwavering tone, "Shigaraki Tomura... calm yourself... it is apparent that Nomu did manage to deal some real damage."

He continues, "Those kids are holding back for some reason... and reinforcements from the school are bound to arrive in a few minutes."



"[y/n]..." Izuku sighs, "... that's the second time you called me by my full first name."

She responds, "You look agitated, and you've been muttering for quite some time now." 

[y/n] lets go of his sleeve as she looked at the two villains. As she was about to tap Izuku's side, "Izu? I think they're about to-"

To her surprise, her brother reacted quicker than she can blink. In an instant, he was in front of Kurogiri, with his feet and legs broken as he used his quirk.

As he got nearer, he screamed with all of his strength while readying a punch on Kurogiri's armor. "Get away from All Might!"

Shigaraki retorts, "I won't get another chance!" as his hand slipped through the portal, only to be a few distances away from Izuku's head.

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