[CH. 24]: UA Sports Festival Pt. 6

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"You wanted to talk?" Izuku fiddles his fingers as Todoroki was in front of him, leaning his back against the wall. 

"What is it about, Todoroki?" [y/n] chimes in as she rests against the wall with her arms crossed.

"The dining hall will be packed if we don't hurry up, you know?" [y/n] whines as she imagines all the food she could eat for lunch as doing two long events in the morning made her tired...and hungry.

Meanwhile, Izuku was frozen stiff, "Umm..." 

"What are you nervous about, Izu?" [y/n] then placed her hand on his shoulder, "It's not like he will kill us here or something," She shrugged.

Todoroki finally spoke after organizing his thoughts, " Izuku, you overwhelmed me..."

"...to the point I broke my own promise," Todoroki then stuffs his left hand into his pocket.

"I noticed that, too." Todoroki spared a glance on [y/n] as soon as she said it. "Why wouldn't you use it, Todoroki?"

She continues interrogating him, "You think I wouldn't feel it when it's literally above my head and I was concerned if you might burn my scalp or something?!" 

She frowns as Izuku flinched with his eyes widening by a second. "[y-y/n]..." Izuku sweat dropped. "I thought it was something serious-" 

"Of course it's serious! It's my hair we're talking about!" She huffs as she leans against the wall once more.

Todoroki, flabbergasted by [y/n]'s reaction, "I... I didn't mean it. Anyways..." 

He looks away with his hands in his pocket, "... only I was the one who felt that pressure from your attack back at the Cavalry Battle..."

"...I experienced All Might's true power up-close, remember?" He spoke as he looks back to the USJ incident with the Nomu. "And when [y/n] used her light side... or whatever bright half of her quirk on her shoulders, that pressure... when I told her to focus as I noticed she was distracted so I gripped on her harder, but she did not even flinch at the slightest, as if she didn't feel it at all."

"I don't quite follow the trail you're leaving, Todoroki." [y/n] shook her head and shrugged. 

Izuku, feeling nervous, as he thinks that Todoroki might have figured it out, "So... what are you saying...?"

Todoroki glares at the twins, "I felt the same pressure coming from you, so..."

In a serious tone, he furrows his eyebrows, "...are you All Might's secret love children or something?"

For a moment, silence took over until an outburst of laughter from [y/n] echoed through the hallway. Trying to keep her back straight as she wipes her tears away, "I didn't know you're into conspiracy theories, Todoroki."

Flabbergasted, Todoroki muttered, "A what kind of theory?" 

"Nevermind. In my defense, it's a no." She shrugs. "Is it because the hero seems to have his eye on hi-" 

Izuku interrupts as he tries to explain himself, "Nah. Well, I mean... I mean I am denying that but... obviously if I were his kid... I'd try to deny it but I realized I don't sound very convincing here, but... no, that's not it..."

He continues, "So let me ask you... what made you think of that?"

Todoroki lowers his head while still maintaining eye contact with the boy, " 'No, that's not it.' That's an interesting way to phrase it..."

"... you're definitely hiding something."

[y/n] thought as she glanced at Izuku, So I wasn't the only one who sensed it too...

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